Could evolution of humans hinge on one mutation affecting JAW size? OPINION? Article SAYS.....?
Touching off a scientific furor, researchers say they may have discovered the mutation that caused the earliest humans to branch off from their apelike ancestors - a gene that led to smaller, weaker jaws and, ultimately, bigger brains. Smaller jaws would have fundamentally changed the structure of the skull, they contend, by eliminating thick muscles that worked like bungee cords to anchor a huge jaw to the crown of the head. The change would have allowed the cranium to grow larger and led to the development of a bigger brain capable of tool-making and language. The mutation is reported in the latest issue of the journal Nature, not by anthropologists, but by a team of biologists and plastic surgeons at the University of Pennsylvania and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The report provoked strong reactions throughout the hotly contested field of human origins with one scientist declaring it "counter to the fundamentals of evolution" and another pronouncing it "super 33 minutes ago The Pennsylvania researchers said their estimate of when this mutation first occurred - about 2.4 million years ago, in the grasslands of East Africa, the cradle of humanity - generally overlaps with the first fossils of prehistoric humans featuring rounder skulls, flatter faces, smaller teeth and weaker jaws. And the remarkable genetic mutation persists to this day in every person, they said. Nonhuman primates - including our closest animal relative, the chimpanzee - still carry the original big-jaw gene and the apparatus enabling them to bite and grind the toughest foods. "We're not suggesting this mutation alone defines us as Homo sapiens," said Dr. Hansell Stedman of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. "But evolutionary events are extraordinarily rare. Over 2 million years since the mutation, the brain has nearly tripled in size. It's a very intriguing possibility." University of Michigan biological anthropologist Milford Wolpoff called the research just super." "The other thing that was happening 2 1/2 million years ago is that people were beginning to make tools, which enabled them to prepare food outside their mouths," he said. "This is a confluence of genetic and fossil evidence." Other researchers strenuously disagreed that human evolution could literally hinge on a single mutation affecting jaw muscles, and that once those muscles were reduced, the brain suddenly could grow unfettered. "Such a claim is counter to the fundamentals of evolution," said C. Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University. "These kinds of mutations probably are of little consequence." Others sought to find some middle ground in the debate. University and commercial laboratories rapidly are comparing the human genome with that of chimpanzees to determine what makes people human, and how the earliest transitional creatures known as hominids split from Old World apes and monkeys some 6 million years ago. So far, perhaps 250 genetic differences 250 genetic differences have been flagged for further study. Jaws have been a focus of evolutionary research since Darwin, and the mutation offers a tantalizing theory. But it is unlikely that one mutation - even at a crucial evolutionary juncture - would make a person, some skeptics said. "They have successfully nailed a genetic mutation that works to deactivate these jaw muscles," said Richard Potts, director of the Human Origins Program at the Smithsonian Institution. "But their suggestion connecting it to the brain is way too speculative."
Biology - 1 Answers
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Quite interesting, I hope they look into it further. What's the question?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Pennsylvania In-state tuition elgible?
Pennsylvania In-state tuition elgible?
I was thinking about moving from Florida to Philadelphia, PA to go to technical school or college or trade school and also get a better job. I have my uncle and aunt living in PA, and they say that they can provide me with shelter and support while I can go to school and work. I already have a job offered to me in Philadelphia, PA. So that takes care of finding a job. But was wanting to know if I am capable of being a resident in PA for tuition purpose as well instead of waiting a year? Would I have to do a petition also?
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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The short answer, nope, maybe, but not in your current situation. With a little work, you could possibly get citizen status in less than a year. Residing with relatives (other than parent(s)/legal guardian) does not, in and of itself, cause the student to attain residence in the Commonwealth for admission or fee payment purposes. Pennsylvania domicile may be established upon the completion of at least 12 months of continued residence within the state prior to the date of registration, provided such 12 months residency is not primarily for the purpose of attendance in at an institution of higher education. Establishment of Pennsylvania domicile with less than 12 months residence prior to the date of registration must be supported by proof of positive and unequivocal action. Priority consideration will normally be given to such evidence as the purchase of a Pennsylvania home, full-time employment within the state, paying Pennsylvania property tax, filing Pennsylvania income tax returns, and registering motor vehicles in Pennsylvania. Other items of importance which are required are registering to vote in Pennsylvania and the actual exercise of such right, possessing a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license, and various other acts which may give evidence of intent to remain indefinitely within the state. Proof of a number of these actions shall be considered only as evidence which may be used in determining whether or not a domicile has been established. Factors mitigating against establishment of Pennsylvania residency might include such considerations as the student not being self-supporting, being claimed as a dependent on federal or state income tax returns, or the parents’ health insurance if the parents reside out-of-state, and receiving financial assistance from state student aid programs in other states.
I was thinking about moving from Florida to Philadelphia, PA to go to technical school or college or trade school and also get a better job. I have my uncle and aunt living in PA, and they say that they can provide me with shelter and support while I can go to school and work. I already have a job offered to me in Philadelphia, PA. So that takes care of finding a job. But was wanting to know if I am capable of being a resident in PA for tuition purpose as well instead of waiting a year? Would I have to do a petition also?
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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The short answer, nope, maybe, but not in your current situation. With a little work, you could possibly get citizen status in less than a year. Residing with relatives (other than parent(s)/legal guardian) does not, in and of itself, cause the student to attain residence in the Commonwealth for admission or fee payment purposes. Pennsylvania domicile may be established upon the completion of at least 12 months of continued residence within the state prior to the date of registration, provided such 12 months residency is not primarily for the purpose of attendance in at an institution of higher education. Establishment of Pennsylvania domicile with less than 12 months residence prior to the date of registration must be supported by proof of positive and unequivocal action. Priority consideration will normally be given to such evidence as the purchase of a Pennsylvania home, full-time employment within the state, paying Pennsylvania property tax, filing Pennsylvania income tax returns, and registering motor vehicles in Pennsylvania. Other items of importance which are required are registering to vote in Pennsylvania and the actual exercise of such right, possessing a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license, and various other acts which may give evidence of intent to remain indefinitely within the state. Proof of a number of these actions shall be considered only as evidence which may be used in determining whether or not a domicile has been established. Factors mitigating against establishment of Pennsylvania residency might include such considerations as the student not being self-supporting, being claimed as a dependent on federal or state income tax returns, or the parents’ health insurance if the parents reside out-of-state, and receiving financial assistance from state student aid programs in other states.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What site can I go to & get more info on pro soccer games?
What site can I go to & get more info on pro soccer games?
I have a 16 yr old brother who LOVES LOVES LOVES soccer. Hes goalie on his soccer team in school and loves it more than anything. I thought for Christmas I could get him tickets to a game with pro players. I live in Pennsylvania and was hoping to find something close like pittsburgh, philadelphia, or even new york. but I don't know where to even start looking. Help me? Thanks in advance!
Other - Soccer - 1 Answers
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You can buy soccer games tickets online at They have best seats at the most reasonable price.
I have a 16 yr old brother who LOVES LOVES LOVES soccer. Hes goalie on his soccer team in school and loves it more than anything. I thought for Christmas I could get him tickets to a game with pro players. I live in Pennsylvania and was hoping to find something close like pittsburgh, philadelphia, or even new york. but I don't know where to even start looking. Help me? Thanks in advance!
Other - Soccer - 1 Answers
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You can buy soccer games tickets online at They have best seats at the most reasonable price.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I need help finding a job can anybody help me?
I need help finding a job can anybody help me?
I'm from Philadelphia PA I just completed school in welding and Advance welding which is pipe welding and the only experience I got is working as a welder helper for 6 months I'm thinking about moving to houston or dallas texas i know it warmer than Pennsylvania and cheaper but im not sure what should i do about finding a job? and is a lot of welding jobs in texas areas?
Other - Careers & Employment - 3 Answers
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I know Houston and pipeline well. Welders are hard to come by. The pipe welding regulations are very strict, it must pass xray mostly and fillet welds NDT. They expect a one shot, so it would probably be best to keep carrying on helping and practicing until your ready to weld on pipe that can kill people. Lots of these welders travel since pipelines spread for miles and miles. I would take a shot at the refineries, there are tons in Houston. I'm sure there is welding going on everyday. Chevron, BP, Marathon, Valero, etc... try em all. Also look at the big contractors, since most of those companies will source out welding to contractors.
You could consider a work from home jobs. With this, all you need is your computer. No resume, No experience, No permit. They are free to join. Here is a great idea: Make a free blog at blogger about something you are good at or truly interested in, and than put adsense on it, bring people to your blog, each time your ads get clicked you'll earn money. I can assure that you will love working on it. If you want more info let me know OR visit
I have been working from home for 4 1/2 years. It is great to be able to set my own hours and work days, but is still work. If you are serious, send me an email: I can help you get started and give you any advice I can through email (obviously for free
I'm from Philadelphia PA I just completed school in welding and Advance welding which is pipe welding and the only experience I got is working as a welder helper for 6 months I'm thinking about moving to houston or dallas texas i know it warmer than Pennsylvania and cheaper but im not sure what should i do about finding a job? and is a lot of welding jobs in texas areas?
Other - Careers & Employment - 3 Answers
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I know Houston and pipeline well. Welders are hard to come by. The pipe welding regulations are very strict, it must pass xray mostly and fillet welds NDT. They expect a one shot, so it would probably be best to keep carrying on helping and practicing until your ready to weld on pipe that can kill people. Lots of these welders travel since pipelines spread for miles and miles. I would take a shot at the refineries, there are tons in Houston. I'm sure there is welding going on everyday. Chevron, BP, Marathon, Valero, etc... try em all. Also look at the big contractors, since most of those companies will source out welding to contractors.
You could consider a work from home jobs. With this, all you need is your computer. No resume, No experience, No permit. They are free to join. Here is a great idea: Make a free blog at blogger about something you are good at or truly interested in, and than put adsense on it, bring people to your blog, each time your ads get clicked you'll earn money. I can assure that you will love working on it. If you want more info let me know OR visit
I have been working from home for 4 1/2 years. It is great to be able to set my own hours and work days, but is still work. If you are serious, send me an email: I can help you get started and give you any advice I can through email (obviously for free
Friday, March 18, 2011
What is a good safety school for someone with a 3.3 gpa?
What is a good safety school for someone with a 3.3 gpa?
I live in Philadelphia, and I have a 3.3 GPA, half-way thru my junior year. I haven't taken my SATs yet; however I am signed up to take them. I'd rather not travel too far west or south for my safety school, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a college in Pennsylvania, either. I would REALLY REALLY rather not have to apply to a community college, even if it's as my safety school, so please, if at all possible, don't suggest that I apply there. Any other suggestions would be much appreciated.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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My GPA was about yours when I graduated from high school. I didn't take the SAT but my ACT score was a 29. I just kinda goofed around in classes. I am at The University of Arizona right now so I would say you have a good chance of getting in any public school. Don't worry either I'm on a full-ride scholarship too so just make sure you do extra curricular things and you will be fine.
I live in Philadelphia, and I have a 3.3 GPA, half-way thru my junior year. I haven't taken my SATs yet; however I am signed up to take them. I'd rather not travel too far west or south for my safety school, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a college in Pennsylvania, either. I would REALLY REALLY rather not have to apply to a community college, even if it's as my safety school, so please, if at all possible, don't suggest that I apply there. Any other suggestions would be much appreciated.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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My GPA was about yours when I graduated from high school. I didn't take the SAT but my ACT score was a 29. I just kinda goofed around in classes. I am at The University of Arizona right now so I would say you have a good chance of getting in any public school. Don't worry either I'm on a full-ride scholarship too so just make sure you do extra curricular things and you will be fine.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Transportation for disabled wheelchair users?
Transportation for disabled wheelchair users?
Hello guys! Does anyone know of any transportation services for people with disabilities,such as myself (I'm a wheelchair user) in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). I know there is ParaTransit,never used it though (I think they charge you and I will need to go to school and back home every day). I have Keystone Mercy Insurance. Maybe there are any other services I don't know about. Could anyone please suggest something. Thank you!!!
People with Disabilities - 5 Answers
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talk to your social worker from your doctors office. they have access to a lot of services and how to pay for them. maybe even talk to your insurance company.
Any service you use you will have to pay for. Paratransit is government subsidized and will be your least expensive option. All over the road fixed route transportation systems - that means buses - have to be wheelchair accessible. So you should be able to take paratransit to the closest regular bus stop and then take a regular bus. Paratransit is generally available when the nearest bus stop is more than one half mile away.
Contact the nearest Independent Living Center (ILC), They will know about local services that are available to you.
Try the link below- looks like they have some information. I did not look at all the options individually.
Go to your State Dept of Rehabilitation office. They will help you optain all of your request and much more. That's what their there for. They pay for bus passes if attending school, paper, backpack, pencils, etc, even a computer if needed and what they don't provide they have the proper resources to get you to it. Your school also has resources so check them out too. druski
Hello guys! Does anyone know of any transportation services for people with disabilities,such as myself (I'm a wheelchair user) in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). I know there is ParaTransit,never used it though (I think they charge you and I will need to go to school and back home every day). I have Keystone Mercy Insurance. Maybe there are any other services I don't know about. Could anyone please suggest something. Thank you!!!
People with Disabilities - 5 Answers
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talk to your social worker from your doctors office. they have access to a lot of services and how to pay for them. maybe even talk to your insurance company.
Any service you use you will have to pay for. Paratransit is government subsidized and will be your least expensive option. All over the road fixed route transportation systems - that means buses - have to be wheelchair accessible. So you should be able to take paratransit to the closest regular bus stop and then take a regular bus. Paratransit is generally available when the nearest bus stop is more than one half mile away.
Contact the nearest Independent Living Center (ILC), They will know about local services that are available to you.
Try the link below- looks like they have some information. I did not look at all the options individually.
Go to your State Dept of Rehabilitation office. They will help you optain all of your request and much more. That's what their there for. They pay for bus passes if attending school, paper, backpack, pencils, etc, even a computer if needed and what they don't provide they have the proper resources to get you to it. Your school also has resources so check them out too. druski
Monday, March 14, 2011
ANSWER....School wednesday? What do you think?
ANSWER....School wednesday? What do you think?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I live in Michigan and we are getting this same winter warning. I hope we get a snow day! and I hope you get one too! Good luck and do the lucky snow dance
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I live in Michigan and we are getting this same winter warning. I hope we get a snow day! and I hope you get one too! Good luck and do the lucky snow dance
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Could I get into these Universities?
Could I get into these Universities?
Point Park University (Pittsburgh, PA) University of Minnesota Boston University University of Miami (Miami, Florida) St. Cloud State University (Minnesota) Millersville University (Pennsylvania) St. Louis University Temple University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) I am currently an incoming senior in high school and I have been looking ahead to my future a lot so far. I would like to go to college to triple major in journalism, broadcasting, and history. Then I would like to become a sports broadcaster or sports journalist (preferably for hockey, but I don't care). I know it's best to go to college in a big metropolitan city that is pretty sports oriented if I want to one-day work in sports, that's why Pittsburgh is the top city in my list. Counting my grades, SAT scores (when they improve), extracurricular activities, experience, etc, do you think I can get in to Point Park University? ______________________________________… My grades during my freshman year were: Comprehensive English 9 – 86 German I – 80 Physical Education 9 – 87 Health Education – 76 Family & Consumer Science 9 – 86 Algebra I – 79 Chorus – 90 General Biology – 82 U.S. History I – 92 Class Rank: 178/332 Overall Average: 84.0831 Overall GPA: 2.9188 My grades during my sophomore year were: Career Skills for the Future – 94 Desktop Publishing – 93 Comprehensive English 10 – 84 German II – 73 Journalism I – 96 Physical Education – 94 Health Education – 87 Family & Consumer Science 10 – 85 Geometry – 82 Chorus – 95 Physical Science – 79 U.S. History II Honors – 76 Class Rank: 165/325 Overall Average: 85.6319 Overall GPA: 2.9806 My final average grades during junior year (this year) were: Health Education 11 – 97 Physical Education 11 – 89 Computer Projects A – 98 Crafts – 91 Economics – 94 Comprehensive English 11 – 85 Environmental Science – 83 Lifestyles for the Future – 94 Global Studies – 95 Algebra II - 80 Journalism II – 96 Class Rank: 157/317 Overall Average: 87.2933 Overall GPA: 3.1489 --------------------------------------… Total SAT Scores: SAT Reading Scores – 410 SAT Math Scores – 450 SAT Writing Scores – 420 SAT Total Score – 1280 (I’m going to be studying and practicing a lot this Summer and I’m going to retake them in the Fall) ______________________________________… The Classes I Will Be Taking Next Year As A Senior Are… Comprehensive English 12, General Chemistry, American Society Honors, Trigonometry, Journalism III, and any more electives that I choose. ______________________________________… I used to volunteer at an after school day care for kids 8th grade and down. Helping them with homework, playing games, and giving them snack. Now I am a member of the Lady’s Auxiliary at my towns local fire hall and I volunteer there. The extra-curricular activities I am involved in are SADD Club, Wrestling Team, Wrestling Team Student Athletic Trainer, Church Softball Team, and Youth Group. Next year I might be involved in Youth Group. I am also a sports reporter for my high school’s newspaper, The Rocket Star and I have my own sports column called Player of the Month. I have been chosen to be the Sports Editor for my senior year (next year). Finally, during my junior (this year) and senior year of high school I have a student internship with WOYK 1350, a sports radio-broadcasting network, for both the football and basketball seasons. I will go to all my school’s home and away game, collect stats, call in stats, and broadcast the game I reviewed on live radio.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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I can tell you right now that Boston University is definitely out of reach for you.
I think you might have a chance at Point Park and Millersville. Your SAT scores are within range for those schools, but your GPA and class rank are a little on the weak side. Your extracurriculars seem pretty good, though. Unfortunately, I believe that BU and UM will be reaches for you. Try taking the ACT. Also, I'm not sure when app deadlines are, but try to boost your GPA during the first semester of your senior year. Good luck!
Point Park University (Pittsburgh, PA) University of Minnesota Boston University University of Miami (Miami, Florida) St. Cloud State University (Minnesota) Millersville University (Pennsylvania) St. Louis University Temple University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) I am currently an incoming senior in high school and I have been looking ahead to my future a lot so far. I would like to go to college to triple major in journalism, broadcasting, and history. Then I would like to become a sports broadcaster or sports journalist (preferably for hockey, but I don't care). I know it's best to go to college in a big metropolitan city that is pretty sports oriented if I want to one-day work in sports, that's why Pittsburgh is the top city in my list. Counting my grades, SAT scores (when they improve), extracurricular activities, experience, etc, do you think I can get in to Point Park University? ______________________________________… My grades during my freshman year were: Comprehensive English 9 – 86 German I – 80 Physical Education 9 – 87 Health Education – 76 Family & Consumer Science 9 – 86 Algebra I – 79 Chorus – 90 General Biology – 82 U.S. History I – 92 Class Rank: 178/332 Overall Average: 84.0831 Overall GPA: 2.9188 My grades during my sophomore year were: Career Skills for the Future – 94 Desktop Publishing – 93 Comprehensive English 10 – 84 German II – 73 Journalism I – 96 Physical Education – 94 Health Education – 87 Family & Consumer Science 10 – 85 Geometry – 82 Chorus – 95 Physical Science – 79 U.S. History II Honors – 76 Class Rank: 165/325 Overall Average: 85.6319 Overall GPA: 2.9806 My final average grades during junior year (this year) were: Health Education 11 – 97 Physical Education 11 – 89 Computer Projects A – 98 Crafts – 91 Economics – 94 Comprehensive English 11 – 85 Environmental Science – 83 Lifestyles for the Future – 94 Global Studies – 95 Algebra II - 80 Journalism II – 96 Class Rank: 157/317 Overall Average: 87.2933 Overall GPA: 3.1489 --------------------------------------… Total SAT Scores: SAT Reading Scores – 410 SAT Math Scores – 450 SAT Writing Scores – 420 SAT Total Score – 1280 (I’m going to be studying and practicing a lot this Summer and I’m going to retake them in the Fall) ______________________________________… The Classes I Will Be Taking Next Year As A Senior Are… Comprehensive English 12, General Chemistry, American Society Honors, Trigonometry, Journalism III, and any more electives that I choose. ______________________________________… I used to volunteer at an after school day care for kids 8th grade and down. Helping them with homework, playing games, and giving them snack. Now I am a member of the Lady’s Auxiliary at my towns local fire hall and I volunteer there. The extra-curricular activities I am involved in are SADD Club, Wrestling Team, Wrestling Team Student Athletic Trainer, Church Softball Team, and Youth Group. Next year I might be involved in Youth Group. I am also a sports reporter for my high school’s newspaper, The Rocket Star and I have my own sports column called Player of the Month. I have been chosen to be the Sports Editor for my senior year (next year). Finally, during my junior (this year) and senior year of high school I have a student internship with WOYK 1350, a sports radio-broadcasting network, for both the football and basketball seasons. I will go to all my school’s home and away game, collect stats, call in stats, and broadcast the game I reviewed on live radio.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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I can tell you right now that Boston University is definitely out of reach for you.
I think you might have a chance at Point Park and Millersville. Your SAT scores are within range for those schools, but your GPA and class rank are a little on the weak side. Your extracurriculars seem pretty good, though. Unfortunately, I believe that BU and UM will be reaches for you. Try taking the ACT. Also, I'm not sure when app deadlines are, but try to boost your GPA during the first semester of your senior year. Good luck!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I Need Help On Editing This
I Need Help On Editing This..... Thank You Loads!! :) <3?
I wanted to know how on Earth can I put all this information into complete sentences and paragraphs, it's really hard for me... I tried but it sounded so kindergarden.. can anyone help me? I would really appreciate it you's be life savers!!! <3 Here's the information: Nationality: African-American Born: 22/11/1942 Place He Was Born: Philadelphia/Pennsylvania Education: Graduated from Overbrook High school Family: Married, Linda Tull.... Two sons Honors: - Bachelor of science in aerospace engineering from Pennsylvania State University, 1964 - master of science in aerospace engineering from Air Force Institute of Technology, 1974 - Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from Air Force Institute of Technology, 1978 - master of business administration from the University of Houston, Clear Lake, 1987 - 11 honorary doctorate degrees from various universities Training: Guion Bluford entered the Astronaut Training Program, and became an astronaut in August 1979. Missions: Guion participated in 4 flight of space shuttle between the years of 1983 to 1992. Random: He was the second balck person to go up into space and the first African American. He is a retired astronaut. He has an elementary school named after him. Before he became an astronaut he was in the Air Force, where he served as a pilot during the Vietnam War and flew 144 combat missions. When he attended Overbrooks High he never got straight a’s but that certainly never stopped him.
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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Guion Bluford was born on November 22nd, 1942 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is/was married to Linda Tull and has two sons. Guion never got straight A's in high school but still graduated from Overbrook High School and went on to be very successful in college. He earned a Bachelor's degree of science in aerospace engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology in 1964. In the next ten years, he obtained his master's degree in aerospace engineering from the same institute. Four years later, he got a Ph. D. in aerospace engineering. He also has/ had 11 honorary doctorate degrees from other various universities and was/is the master of business administration from the University of Houston. After going to college, he went into the Air Force, where he served as a pilot during the Vietnam War and flew 144 combat missions. Then,Guion Bluford entered the Astronaut Training Program and became an astronaut in August of 1979. Guion participated in 4 space shuttle flights between the years of 1983 and 1992. He was also the 1st African- American to go into space, but is now a retired astronaut.
Astronaut, Guion Bluford was born in Philadelphia/Pennsylvania on the 22 November 1942. Since graduating from Overbrook High School, the African-American received many honours including: a bachelor and master of Science and a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering and a master of business administration as well as 11 honorary doctorate degrees from various universities. Bluford entered the Astronaut Training Program and became an astronaut in August 1979 before becoming only the second black person in history to go up into space. He participated in 4 space shuttle flights between 1983 and 1992. Bluford married Linda Tull and had two sons. He is now retired and has honoured with an elementary school in his name.
I wanted to know how on Earth can I put all this information into complete sentences and paragraphs, it's really hard for me... I tried but it sounded so kindergarden.. can anyone help me? I would really appreciate it you's be life savers!!! <3 Here's the information: Nationality: African-American Born: 22/11/1942 Place He Was Born: Philadelphia/Pennsylvania Education: Graduated from Overbrook High school Family: Married, Linda Tull.... Two sons Honors: - Bachelor of science in aerospace engineering from Pennsylvania State University, 1964 - master of science in aerospace engineering from Air Force Institute of Technology, 1974 - Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from Air Force Institute of Technology, 1978 - master of business administration from the University of Houston, Clear Lake, 1987 - 11 honorary doctorate degrees from various universities Training: Guion Bluford entered the Astronaut Training Program, and became an astronaut in August 1979. Missions: Guion participated in 4 flight of space shuttle between the years of 1983 to 1992. Random: He was the second balck person to go up into space and the first African American. He is a retired astronaut. He has an elementary school named after him. Before he became an astronaut he was in the Air Force, where he served as a pilot during the Vietnam War and flew 144 combat missions. When he attended Overbrooks High he never got straight a’s but that certainly never stopped him.
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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Guion Bluford was born on November 22nd, 1942 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is/was married to Linda Tull and has two sons. Guion never got straight A's in high school but still graduated from Overbrook High School and went on to be very successful in college. He earned a Bachelor's degree of science in aerospace engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology in 1964. In the next ten years, he obtained his master's degree in aerospace engineering from the same institute. Four years later, he got a Ph. D. in aerospace engineering. He also has/ had 11 honorary doctorate degrees from other various universities and was/is the master of business administration from the University of Houston. After going to college, he went into the Air Force, where he served as a pilot during the Vietnam War and flew 144 combat missions. Then,Guion Bluford entered the Astronaut Training Program and became an astronaut in August of 1979. Guion participated in 4 space shuttle flights between the years of 1983 and 1992. He was also the 1st African- American to go into space, but is now a retired astronaut.
Astronaut, Guion Bluford was born in Philadelphia/Pennsylvania on the 22 November 1942. Since graduating from Overbrook High School, the African-American received many honours including: a bachelor and master of Science and a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering and a master of business administration as well as 11 honorary doctorate degrees from various universities. Bluford entered the Astronaut Training Program and became an astronaut in August 1979 before becoming only the second black person in history to go up into space. He participated in 4 space shuttle flights between 1983 and 1992. Bluford married Linda Tull and had two sons. He is now retired and has honoured with an elementary school in his name.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Is a University with an Art School worth it? -Please HELP-?
Is a University with an Art School worth it? -Please HELP-?
I'm a Junior at Palmdale High School. I'm deciding in going to Temple University in Philadelphia PA. and Master in Photography. They have a school called Tyler School of Art on their campus. I feel it's a good school. I like their review: B Though I want more information. Does this School consider as a program from Temple University? Since it has it's own name and all. I don't get this information from my school at all so im trying really hard to get answers. The courses they give for Bachelors seem good but could you break down this list for me so i can understand? What the numbers mean. (I have been explained before but now I have an example) It would be nice if one of you took the time to check out their site and let me know what you think. And if you have any other suggestions please let me know. I want to stay in the state Pennsylvania though. What Do You Think.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Within University's you will find Schools for specific things. I graduated from the School of Art and Design at Alfred University. Where as another classmate might have graduated from the School of Liberal Arts. Whats nice about that is that you can take classes from other schools, minor or even double major. I think the program looks good. They start you off in Foundations and that will expose you to other medias (which may sound useless now, but foster much better artists.) The numbers are just the levels of the course. A 100-level (or it looks like 0100 at Tyler) means a introductory class, 200-level higher, and 300-400 levels are going to be advanced level classes. Typically anything 500 and above is a graduate course (with exceptions). . It looks like a good school, but you won't really know until you visit. You can meet faculty, see facilities and current student work and get your portfolio reviewed. That's the best way to choose a school. Good luck!
I'm a Junior at Palmdale High School. I'm deciding in going to Temple University in Philadelphia PA. and Master in Photography. They have a school called Tyler School of Art on their campus. I feel it's a good school. I like their review: B Though I want more information. Does this School consider as a program from Temple University? Since it has it's own name and all. I don't get this information from my school at all so im trying really hard to get answers. The courses they give for Bachelors seem good but could you break down this list for me so i can understand? What the numbers mean. (I have been explained before but now I have an example) It would be nice if one of you took the time to check out their site and let me know what you think. And if you have any other suggestions please let me know. I want to stay in the state Pennsylvania though. What Do You Think.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Within University's you will find Schools for specific things. I graduated from the School of Art and Design at Alfred University. Where as another classmate might have graduated from the School of Liberal Arts. Whats nice about that is that you can take classes from other schools, minor or even double major. I think the program looks good. They start you off in Foundations and that will expose you to other medias (which may sound useless now, but foster much better artists.) The numbers are just the levels of the course. A 100-level (or it looks like 0100 at Tyler) means a introductory class, 200-level higher, and 300-400 levels are going to be advanced level classes. Typically anything 500 and above is a graduate course (with exceptions). . It looks like a good school, but you won't really know until you visit. You can meet faculty, see facilities and current student work and get your portfolio reviewed. That's the best way to choose a school. Good luck!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
What college is right for me?
What college is right for me?
I'd really like to go into Photography and preferably a minor in Communications or video. I've gotten accepted into Corcoran School of Art & Design, but that's way too expensive for me, and I don't want to live my life in debt. I live Pennsylvania right now, close to Philadelphia. And I'm looking to get away from the area. I guess what I'm looking for is a reputable, inexpensive college that has my major/minor, and a decent social life (not really into the greek life), Someone please give me suggestions!
Photography - 1 Answers
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Get your degree in something else than photography. Photography schools may have been a good idea back in the days of film, when you needed to learn how to "cook" in a darkroom, but no more. You're just as well off buying equipment and software and learning on your own. I suggest a degree in marketing, management, finance, or accounting. These will be much more useful to you in life. Why do I say this? Because I have hired many photographers in my time, and been hired by many more customers to do assignments, and no one has cared a fig if I have a degree in photography. What they care about is whether or not I can GET THE SHOT.
I'd really like to go into Photography and preferably a minor in Communications or video. I've gotten accepted into Corcoran School of Art & Design, but that's way too expensive for me, and I don't want to live my life in debt. I live Pennsylvania right now, close to Philadelphia. And I'm looking to get away from the area. I guess what I'm looking for is a reputable, inexpensive college that has my major/minor, and a decent social life (not really into the greek life), Someone please give me suggestions!
Photography - 1 Answers
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Get your degree in something else than photography. Photography schools may have been a good idea back in the days of film, when you needed to learn how to "cook" in a darkroom, but no more. You're just as well off buying equipment and software and learning on your own. I suggest a degree in marketing, management, finance, or accounting. These will be much more useful to you in life. Why do I say this? Because I have hired many photographers in my time, and been hired by many more customers to do assignments, and no one has cared a fig if I have a degree in photography. What they care about is whether or not I can GET THE SHOT.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Should public school staff be able to punish students for behavior that happens off of school property?
Should public school staff be able to punish students for behavior that happens off of school property?
Lets say a student made a parody Myspace page of a teacher or principal, should the school be able to punish a kid for that? (AP) PHILADELPHIA - Federal appellate judges wrestling with whether schools can discipline students for Internet speech posted offsite reached different rulings Thursday in two Pennsylvania cases. One 3rd U.S. Circuit Court panel upheld the suspension of a Schuylkill County eighth-grader who posted sexually explicit material along with her principal’s photograph on a fake MySpace page. However, a different three-judge panel said that school officials in Mercer County cannot reach into a family’s home and police the Internet. That case also involves a MySpace parody of a principal created by a student at home. And, in dissent, a judge in the first case said his colleagues were broadening the school’s authority and improperly censoring students. "I believe that this holding vests school officials with dangerously overbroad censorship discretion," Judge Michael Chagares wrote in the case, which upheld the March 2007 suspension of a Blue Mountain Middle School student. "Neither the Supreme Court nor this Court has ever allowed schools to punish students for off-campus speech that is not school sponsored and that caused no substantial disruption at school," Chagares wrote. School boards, free-speech advocates and others had been awaiting the rulings for clarity on how far schools can go to control both online speech and offsite behavior.
Politics - 6 Answers
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No, they shouldn't. But would you agree that private schools also should not be able to regulate off-campus behavior?
I think the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court will be overturned, clearly the Supreme Court has already ruled on this in similar cases.
No, No school should be able to. Someone else brought up private schools. I don't know what that has to do with anything. Private schools can refuse to admit some students.
Since the video was made of a teacher or principal - yes, they should be able to punish them for that.
If not that , what else?
No sir that is the parents job
Lets say a student made a parody Myspace page of a teacher or principal, should the school be able to punish a kid for that? (AP) PHILADELPHIA - Federal appellate judges wrestling with whether schools can discipline students for Internet speech posted offsite reached different rulings Thursday in two Pennsylvania cases. One 3rd U.S. Circuit Court panel upheld the suspension of a Schuylkill County eighth-grader who posted sexually explicit material along with her principal’s photograph on a fake MySpace page. However, a different three-judge panel said that school officials in Mercer County cannot reach into a family’s home and police the Internet. That case also involves a MySpace parody of a principal created by a student at home. And, in dissent, a judge in the first case said his colleagues were broadening the school’s authority and improperly censoring students. "I believe that this holding vests school officials with dangerously overbroad censorship discretion," Judge Michael Chagares wrote in the case, which upheld the March 2007 suspension of a Blue Mountain Middle School student. "Neither the Supreme Court nor this Court has ever allowed schools to punish students for off-campus speech that is not school sponsored and that caused no substantial disruption at school," Chagares wrote. School boards, free-speech advocates and others had been awaiting the rulings for clarity on how far schools can go to control both online speech and offsite behavior.
Politics - 6 Answers
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No, they shouldn't. But would you agree that private schools also should not be able to regulate off-campus behavior?
I think the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court will be overturned, clearly the Supreme Court has already ruled on this in similar cases.
No, No school should be able to. Someone else brought up private schools. I don't know what that has to do with anything. Private schools can refuse to admit some students.
Since the video was made of a teacher or principal - yes, they should be able to punish them for that.
If not that , what else?
No sir that is the parents job
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
st josephs university?
st josephs university?
has anyone attended st josephs university???(philadelphia, pennsylvania) or know anything about the school?? any comments about academics, student life, etc. would be great.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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has anyone attended st josephs university???(philadelphia, pennsylvania) or know anything about the school?? any comments about academics, student life, etc. would be great.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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