Monday, February 28, 2011

Is UPenn really an Ivy League school?

Is UPenn really an Ivy League school?
My cousin is going to the University of Pennsylvania next year (UPenn) in Philadelphia and my mom keeps talking about how awesome my cousin is and how my aunt and cousin are so excited. Is UPenn really that great of a school? They say it's an ivy league but I thought ivy league school's were like Harvard and Princeton and Yale and schools like that. Is it just me or is UPenn not that huge of a deal. I have a friend going to Dartmouth and that's an Ivy League level school and isn't that more impressive? I'll be going to Gettysburg next year is UPenn really all that much better?
Higher Education (University +) - 8 Answers

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UPenn isnt that awesome. Dartmouth would be a more respectable decision

UPenn is Ivy League.

Of course Penn is an Ivy League school and it has one of the best (maybe the best) business school's in the country, the Wharton School. The eight members of the Ivy League are: Penn, Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Brown and Dartmouth

Most polls have UPenn as a top 5 university. Dartmouth most of the time doesn't reach top 10. UPenn is indeed a very big deal. Yes UPenn is a lot better than Gettysburg although Gettysburg isn't that bad of a university. There are 8 ivies. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UPenn, Dartmouth, Columbia, Brown, and Cornell. Although there are also some universities better then some of the ivies like Stanford, Duke, Rice, Emory, and more. The University of Pennsylvania is also commonly called UPenn. Penn is also correct. There is no absolutely correct abbreviation as even their website is called I personally call it UPenn because I know of some people that confuse Penn with Penn State. Of course, they're not to big on knowing the differences between colleges.

UPENN is an Ivy League. Just remember that the term Ivy League started to identify an athletic conference.

Just so you know, the correct abbreviation for the University of Pennsylania is Penn, not UPenn. I've been associated with Penn for years. It is, indeed, an Ivy League school, founded by Benjamin Franklin. It is ranked above a number of other Ivy schools on most lists. Penn is probably best known for its Wharton School of Business, one of the best in the world, for its world-class medical school, and its Annenberg School of Communications. It has an internationally famed museum of Archaeology, holding extremely important and famous artifacts, and has long been distinguished in the field of Architecture. The great architect Louis Kahn was Professor of Architecture at Penn. Penn is also highly ranked in a number of arts and sciences field, including my own, in which I hold a PhD. And you'd better believe that I'd rather attend school in Philadelphia than in Hanover, NH. By the way, I attended Yale, so I am qualified to judge. However, one of my cousins attended Gettysburg. It doesn't rank on Penn's level, but my cousin has had a very successful career since his graduation and feels that Gettysburg was good for him. Yo, the Penn URL is merely a convenience and has nothing to do with the correct abbreviation, which, the PR department will tell you in no uncertain terms, is Penn, not UPenn. If you look at the website -- not the URL, but the website -- you will see that "Penn" only is used on it.

Yes, Penn is Ivy. You might be confusing Penn (University of Pennsylvania) with Penn State (Pennsylvania State University).

Penn University is a great school. My cousin went there.

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