UPenn admissions essay prompt?
Benjamin Franklin established the Union Fire Company, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the American Philosophical Society, Pennsylvania Hospital, and, of course, the charity school that evolved into the University of Pennsylvania. As they served the larger community of Philadelphia, each institution in turn formed its own community. I was reading the essay prompt for the University of Pennsylvania and I wasn't sure what it means by "academic communities." I'm pretty sure that "social communities" refers to clubs and organizations and such, but can academic communities include clubs, or is it referring to the different schools at Penn? I appreciate any help. Thank you! Which of the academic communities and social communities that now comprise the University of Pennsylvania are most interesting to you and how will you contribute to them and to the larger Penn community?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Good question. Before reading this, I just assumed they meant one of the "the Union Fire Company, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the American Philosophical Society, Pennsylvania Hospital, and, of course, the charity school that evolved into the University of Pennsylvania" communities, but now you have placed some doubt in my head. But still I'm inclined to believe they mean one of them, and I think I will base my essay on one of them, probably like the American Philosophical Society because of my interest in philosophy, and just ramble about how great Penn's communities are and how much I could contribute to the Philosophical society. So in answer to your question, I think the academic communities include the things I put in quotes and maybe some other stuff. If you're really curious I would research it further, but if you just want to be able to write a good essay that answers what they're looking for I would just pick one of the communities in quotes and talk about it. The other essay prompt for UPenn was by farther the superior. "You have just completed your 300-page autobiography. Please submit page 217." When I first read that I was at first shocked, then laughed out loud, then seriously considered going to Penn. And that prompt remains one of my greatest reasons in considering Penn, lol. Sorry I don't know of how much help this was to you, but good luck!
I've been wondering the same thing. I just called the Penn admissions office and asked if they could clarify the question, and he told me: What they really want to know is which aspects are most appealing that draw you to be interested in UPenn, and why are you a good fit for Penn (based on its academic and/or social community). He said that's what they asked in the past--basically, "Why Penn?"-- and we shouldn't stress over the terms they use like "academic and social communities." Really, just how is Penn good for you and how are you good for Penn; the question is a lot more complicated than what they want to know. I also asked if they want us to refer back to the "institutions" they mentioned, and he said they're not really asking for that either. I hope that helps. I called (215) 898-7507, if you want to ask them any more questions. Good luck!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Black& Hispanic kids told to leave white country club swimming pool why was racism directed at these babies?
Black& Hispanic kids told to leave white country club swimming pool why was racism directed at these babies?
HUNTINGDON VALLEY, Pa. – The head of a private suburban Philadelphia swim club on Friday defended its cancellation of the memberships of dozens of minority children, saying safety, not racism, was the reason. "We deeply regret this whole situation," John Duesler, president of the board of directors of The Valley Club, told reporters Friday afternoon at the entrance to the club in the leafy suburb of Huntingdon Valley. The Creative Steps camp had arranged for 65 mostly black and Hispanic children to swim each Monday afternoon at the club this summer. But director Alethea Wright said that shortly after they arrived for their first visit, some children reported hearing racial comments, and the camp's $1,950 was refunded a few days later. Duesler said the number of children in the shallow section of the pool, many of them unable to swim, convinced officials that there was a problem. "It was definitely an unsafe situation," he said. The club's actions have prompted an investigation by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and made headlines across the country. Much of the attention has focused on an earlier statement by Duesler voicing concern that so many children would "change the complexion" or atmosphere of the club, which he acknowledged was "a terrible choice of words." "It was never my intention to imply anything in terms of racial makeup," he said. Duesler said he heard no racial comments from members and that any such remarks did not represent the club's position. Wright, however, said the club knew what size group to expect and had hosted a school group of a similar size a week earlier. She said the comments reported by children and the parents' actions after her group arrived told a different story. "If they're open to membership, why were parents pulling their children out and standing there with their arms crossed?" she said. Meanwhile, the director of another camp that also had its membership canceled said she believes the club's explanation that numbers and not ethnicity was the reason. "It was definitely an overcrowding issue," said Joanne Rosenthal of Storybook Children's Center of northeast Philadelphia. "It was obviously more than they were used to dealing with." Rosenthal said at least half of her 25-member group was made up of racial minorities, and their money was also returned after one visit. But she said she thought the group had been treated "extremely fairly." "It's not a small pool, but two-thirds of it is deep water, which children are not allowed in unless they have passed a deep-water test, so really, only one-third can be used." Rosenthal said. Storybook signed up with the private club because city pools were to be closed this summer because of budget cuts, but the nearby public pool did open after all and the children were swimming there, she said. Wright said several institutions had offered to host the Creative Steps children at their pools for the summer, and she planned to talk to parents to find out where they wanted their children to go. Meanwhile, the state commission has vowed to expedite an investigation after being inundated with calls from all over the country, according to spokeswoman Shannon Powers. "It got bumped to the top of the priority list, so were devoting an extraordinary amount of resources to investigating it," she said. "It's a matter we would like to see resolved quickly." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090710/ap_on_re_us/us_swim_club_minorities
Immigration - 17 Answers
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They aren't babies. They're kids, around 11 or so, it seems to me. Also, why is this in immigration? (Oh, and it is disgusting how they were treated, btw. Racism is stupid)
if they were babies then there is your answer too young to be there but you question is too long to read too too long
It's Philly, what do you expect. Some the nation's most racist, bigoted, bitter old white people live there..
Because they were illegal aliens? What the hell is this doing in Immigration?
huh? what are your intentions with posting this in the immigration section? dont even think for a second that this justifies what the illegals to to our country. what your post states is only an independent case, and one that is irrelevant for those of us who are against illegals! being against ILLEGAL immigration has nothing to do with race! find something better to do instead of stirring things up on here.
That's Horrible and inexcusable. It's Total discrimination. How can people be like this? ** ** WOW... and people give me thumbs down? whats wrong with you? That just goes to show we have a number of racist butt holes here in this section of yahoo answers.
60 kids from the hood showed up raising hell and ended up getting kicked out. No doubt However this is the stuff that parents get all self righteous about. All those black kids mommas is gonna be going crazy over this screaming racism. All their friends and neighbors chime in, neighborhood hits the street, starts protesting, cops come in. Little incidents like this create tipping points. Race riots! Getcha race riots here!! Get 'em while they're hot!
Yes! Right! A swim club tries to help out a predominately minority group of kids just so they can throw them out and be called racists! On what planet do things like that happen? If they knew that none of the children could swim the whole problem might of been avoided! This is just bull cr@p and doesn't belong in immigration anyways!
Of course it was racism. Parents pulling children out of the pool, disgusting but typical. If Riot/Jill/ThatGurl/Bombastic etc etc can post stuff about Hispanics with no mention of legal status then everyone else has the right to do so..
Sad very sad .This is the reason we have so much trouble in this world.If safety was a issue then this should have been worked out after it was notice but to do this to children is just plain wrong.I believe probably both sides where at fault here.One side didn't see any problem with too many children being in a pool at one time and the other side saw that there where too many but went about solving the problem in the wrong way.Maybe the true reason was for safety but it could have been worked out Im sure.In the end you have children looking at adults acting like fools instead of working together to fix the problem.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats pretty funny but im not Racist but i know all of you will say i am so think whatever you want and i wouldnt be surprised if the people at the pool just got drive byed the next day.
I live in this area. The article failed to mention that the club also canceled swimming and returned money to two other children's groups,that were predominantly white,because the club could not handle the amount of children coming in. Most of them could not swim and there was not enough staff members to insure every ones safety. Funny that it gets spinned that the only group that was asked not to come back was a minority group when that wasn't the case at all.
.from the clubs website: The Pool is Filled! Come Enjoy our Great Club Friday, Saturday & Sunday! We Are Now Accepting Credit Cards Online! skin color must not be darker then the darkest tan of our white members!!! Visit Our Secure Online Application Page Here OR Download Our 2009 Full-time Membership App Here or our Part-time Membership App Here! community | facilities | contact | swim team | activities | memberships | staff | rules of operation > blacks and other minorites must agree to use the service entrance near the kitchen.
This is so dumb. Why didn't they just rotate and have the kids do some other activities at the place? Do they only have a pool? Also why not TEACH these kids how to swim. This sounds like bad planning. They mishandled it and it doesn't sound like it was a racist issue since they did the same to two mostly white groups. Added: They are suing the country club. There are websites to send a letter of protest about this incident. The country club has taken down its website. I doubt that they will be getting any new members... Philadelphia has a lot of non-whites. This kind of stuff would go by unnoticed in middle-America but not in Philadelphia. If they didn't want any minorities they should have never signed the contract with the camps, because they would not be able to screen the campters. I don't agree with that kind of segregation but it is a private club and they can discriminate but it was mean for them to do that to children.
I agree with lucero, it was mismanagement. they were looking at the dollar signs and not the amount of children and scheduling. If it was racially motivated, they should be shut down and prosecuted. But this does not say one word in the article about any immigration etc... what are you profiling Again.
I knew it was going to be about money. The black "victims" have already filed litigation. Mostly this story is just funny. I was a lifeguard at a mostly black pool once. The community center kids would fill up the pool. Now this was years ago, the kids were rowdy but all kids are rowdy. This might have been the reason, throwing in 60 kids into a private pool, I'd get out of the pool. I think lawsuits like this are pathetic. Who cares if they are racist? Black people are usually really racist themselves.
HUNTINGDON VALLEY, Pa. – The head of a private suburban Philadelphia swim club on Friday defended its cancellation of the memberships of dozens of minority children, saying safety, not racism, was the reason. "We deeply regret this whole situation," John Duesler, president of the board of directors of The Valley Club, told reporters Friday afternoon at the entrance to the club in the leafy suburb of Huntingdon Valley. The Creative Steps camp had arranged for 65 mostly black and Hispanic children to swim each Monday afternoon at the club this summer. But director Alethea Wright said that shortly after they arrived for their first visit, some children reported hearing racial comments, and the camp's $1,950 was refunded a few days later. Duesler said the number of children in the shallow section of the pool, many of them unable to swim, convinced officials that there was a problem. "It was definitely an unsafe situation," he said. The club's actions have prompted an investigation by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and made headlines across the country. Much of the attention has focused on an earlier statement by Duesler voicing concern that so many children would "change the complexion" or atmosphere of the club, which he acknowledged was "a terrible choice of words." "It was never my intention to imply anything in terms of racial makeup," he said. Duesler said he heard no racial comments from members and that any such remarks did not represent the club's position. Wright, however, said the club knew what size group to expect and had hosted a school group of a similar size a week earlier. She said the comments reported by children and the parents' actions after her group arrived told a different story. "If they're open to membership, why were parents pulling their children out and standing there with their arms crossed?" she said. Meanwhile, the director of another camp that also had its membership canceled said she believes the club's explanation that numbers and not ethnicity was the reason. "It was definitely an overcrowding issue," said Joanne Rosenthal of Storybook Children's Center of northeast Philadelphia. "It was obviously more than they were used to dealing with." Rosenthal said at least half of her 25-member group was made up of racial minorities, and their money was also returned after one visit. But she said she thought the group had been treated "extremely fairly." "It's not a small pool, but two-thirds of it is deep water, which children are not allowed in unless they have passed a deep-water test, so really, only one-third can be used." Rosenthal said. Storybook signed up with the private club because city pools were to be closed this summer because of budget cuts, but the nearby public pool did open after all and the children were swimming there, she said. Wright said several institutions had offered to host the Creative Steps children at their pools for the summer, and she planned to talk to parents to find out where they wanted their children to go. Meanwhile, the state commission has vowed to expedite an investigation after being inundated with calls from all over the country, according to spokeswoman Shannon Powers. "It got bumped to the top of the priority list, so were devoting an extraordinary amount of resources to investigating it," she said. "It's a matter we would like to see resolved quickly." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090710/ap_on_re_us/us_swim_club_minorities
Immigration - 17 Answers
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They aren't babies. They're kids, around 11 or so, it seems to me. Also, why is this in immigration? (Oh, and it is disgusting how they were treated, btw. Racism is stupid)
if they were babies then there is your answer too young to be there but you question is too long to read too too long
It's Philly, what do you expect. Some the nation's most racist, bigoted, bitter old white people live there..
Because they were illegal aliens? What the hell is this doing in Immigration?
huh? what are your intentions with posting this in the immigration section? dont even think for a second that this justifies what the illegals to to our country. what your post states is only an independent case, and one that is irrelevant for those of us who are against illegals! being against ILLEGAL immigration has nothing to do with race! find something better to do instead of stirring things up on here.
That's Horrible and inexcusable. It's Total discrimination. How can people be like this? ** ** WOW... and people give me thumbs down? whats wrong with you? That just goes to show we have a number of racist butt holes here in this section of yahoo answers.
60 kids from the hood showed up raising hell and ended up getting kicked out. No doubt However this is the stuff that parents get all self righteous about. All those black kids mommas is gonna be going crazy over this screaming racism. All their friends and neighbors chime in, neighborhood hits the street, starts protesting, cops come in. Little incidents like this create tipping points. Race riots! Getcha race riots here!! Get 'em while they're hot!
Yes! Right! A swim club tries to help out a predominately minority group of kids just so they can throw them out and be called racists! On what planet do things like that happen? If they knew that none of the children could swim the whole problem might of been avoided! This is just bull cr@p and doesn't belong in immigration anyways!
Of course it was racism. Parents pulling children out of the pool, disgusting but typical. If Riot/Jill/ThatGurl/Bombastic etc etc can post stuff about Hispanics with no mention of legal status then everyone else has the right to do so..
Sad very sad .This is the reason we have so much trouble in this world.If safety was a issue then this should have been worked out after it was notice but to do this to children is just plain wrong.I believe probably both sides where at fault here.One side didn't see any problem with too many children being in a pool at one time and the other side saw that there where too many but went about solving the problem in the wrong way.Maybe the true reason was for safety but it could have been worked out Im sure.In the end you have children looking at adults acting like fools instead of working together to fix the problem.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats pretty funny but im not Racist but i know all of you will say i am so think whatever you want and i wouldnt be surprised if the people at the pool just got drive byed the next day.
I live in this area. The article failed to mention that the club also canceled swimming and returned money to two other children's groups,that were predominantly white,because the club could not handle the amount of children coming in. Most of them could not swim and there was not enough staff members to insure every ones safety. Funny that it gets spinned that the only group that was asked not to come back was a minority group when that wasn't the case at all.
.from the clubs website: The Pool is Filled! Come Enjoy our Great Club Friday, Saturday & Sunday! We Are Now Accepting Credit Cards Online! skin color must not be darker then the darkest tan of our white members!!! Visit Our Secure Online Application Page Here OR Download Our 2009 Full-time Membership App Here or our Part-time Membership App Here! community | facilities | contact | swim team | activities | memberships | staff | rules of operation > blacks and other minorites must agree to use the service entrance near the kitchen.
This is so dumb. Why didn't they just rotate and have the kids do some other activities at the place? Do they only have a pool? Also why not TEACH these kids how to swim. This sounds like bad planning. They mishandled it and it doesn't sound like it was a racist issue since they did the same to two mostly white groups. Added: They are suing the country club. There are websites to send a letter of protest about this incident. The country club has taken down its website. I doubt that they will be getting any new members... Philadelphia has a lot of non-whites. This kind of stuff would go by unnoticed in middle-America but not in Philadelphia. If they didn't want any minorities they should have never signed the contract with the camps, because they would not be able to screen the campters. I don't agree with that kind of segregation but it is a private club and they can discriminate but it was mean for them to do that to children.
I agree with lucero, it was mismanagement. they were looking at the dollar signs and not the amount of children and scheduling. If it was racially motivated, they should be shut down and prosecuted. But this does not say one word in the article about any immigration etc... what are you profiling Again.
I knew it was going to be about money. The black "victims" have already filed litigation. Mostly this story is just funny. I was a lifeguard at a mostly black pool once. The community center kids would fill up the pool. Now this was years ago, the kids were rowdy but all kids are rowdy. This might have been the reason, throwing in 60 kids into a private pool, I'd get out of the pool. I think lawsuits like this are pathetic. Who cares if they are racist? Black people are usually really racist themselves.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
American History Help Please?!?!?!?!?
American History Help Please?!?!?!?!?
1. Mass transit A. made it practical to build skyscrapers. B. allowed urban areas to expand far from the central business district. C. resulted in a rapid loss of population in the core of cities. D. had little effect on where workers lived because few could afford to regularly travel by mass transit. Points Possible:1.00 2. The first electric trolley, or streetcar, began service in A. Richmond, Virginia. B. St. Paul, Minnesota. C. Cleveland, Ohio. D. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Points Possible:1.00 3. During the last half of the 1800s, educational reform A. made large strides toward racially integrating all public schools. B. was limited by small increases in funding for education. C. included instruction in behavior, civic loyalty, and American cultural values. D. reached only the children of the middle and upper classes. Points Possible:1.00 4. Edith Wharton was a A. reporter for the New York World. B. cartoonist who created "the Yellow Kid." C. novelist who wrote The House of Mirth. D. musician who wrote "The Maple Leaf Rag." Points Possible:1.00 5. The first professional baseball team, which began playing ball in 1869, was the A. Cincinnati Red Stockings. B. St. Louis Cardinals. C. Brooklyn Dodgers. D. Boston Red Sox. Points Possible:1.00 6. James Naismith invented the game of A. baseball. B. basketball. C. football. D. croquet. Points Possible:1.00 7. Many Americans attended the theater and enjoyed melodramatic performances in which A. the villains were poor immigrants and the heroes were generous nouveau riche. B. the villains were immigrants and the heroes were nativists. C. the villains were nativists and the heroes were Americanized immigrants. D. the villains were wealthy aristocrats and the heroes were working-class people. Points Possible:1.00 8. The main strength of political machines resided with A. the political bosses. B. the precinct captains. C. wealthy contributors who dictated party objectives. D. state governors and legislators. Points Possible:1.00 9. Political bosses and precinct captains A. often formed personal relationships with constituents. B. used threats and strong-arm techniques to keep control over constituents. C. were generally honest men who sought to serve the public interests. D. seldom sought out the support of immigrants. Points Possible:1.00 10. Thomas Nast A. was extremely popular, but his success failed to influence the popularity of political cartoons in general. B. refused to use caricature as a means of attacking political leaders whom he opposed. C. staunchly supported William Tweed with his cartoons. D. popularized the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey. Points Possible:1.00 11. Which of the following scandals did NOT involve President Grant's administration? A. Jay Gould and James Fisk's attempt to corner the gold market. B. Crédit Mobilier's gifts of stock to members of Congress, which resulted in profitable subsidies for stockholders. C. Treasury Department officials accepted bribes from whiskey distillers and distributors. D. Grant's vice president, Schuyler Colfax, and members of Congress accepted bribes to support the silver standard. Points Possible:1.00 12. Chester A. Arthur was succeeded by A. Rutherford B. Hayes. B. James Blaine. C. Grover Cleveland. D. William McKinley. Points Possible:1.00 13. Grover Cleveland was determined to A. promote political reform. B. prevent additional reform legislation. C. unify the Republican Party, which had been divided by the Stalwarts and Half-Breeds. D. repeal the Pendleton Civil Service Act. Points Possible:1.00 14. When Benjamin Harrison won the presidency in 1888, he
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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You know, you can probably google all the answers to these questions.
and i guess Wikipedia..go
1. Mass transit A. made it practical to build skyscrapers. B. allowed urban areas to expand far from the central business district. C. resulted in a rapid loss of population in the core of cities. D. had little effect on where workers lived because few could afford to regularly travel by mass transit. Points Possible:1.00 2. The first electric trolley, or streetcar, began service in A. Richmond, Virginia. B. St. Paul, Minnesota. C. Cleveland, Ohio. D. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Points Possible:1.00 3. During the last half of the 1800s, educational reform A. made large strides toward racially integrating all public schools. B. was limited by small increases in funding for education. C. included instruction in behavior, civic loyalty, and American cultural values. D. reached only the children of the middle and upper classes. Points Possible:1.00 4. Edith Wharton was a A. reporter for the New York World. B. cartoonist who created "the Yellow Kid." C. novelist who wrote The House of Mirth. D. musician who wrote "The Maple Leaf Rag." Points Possible:1.00 5. The first professional baseball team, which began playing ball in 1869, was the A. Cincinnati Red Stockings. B. St. Louis Cardinals. C. Brooklyn Dodgers. D. Boston Red Sox. Points Possible:1.00 6. James Naismith invented the game of A. baseball. B. basketball. C. football. D. croquet. Points Possible:1.00 7. Many Americans attended the theater and enjoyed melodramatic performances in which A. the villains were poor immigrants and the heroes were generous nouveau riche. B. the villains were immigrants and the heroes were nativists. C. the villains were nativists and the heroes were Americanized immigrants. D. the villains were wealthy aristocrats and the heroes were working-class people. Points Possible:1.00 8. The main strength of political machines resided with A. the political bosses. B. the precinct captains. C. wealthy contributors who dictated party objectives. D. state governors and legislators. Points Possible:1.00 9. Political bosses and precinct captains A. often formed personal relationships with constituents. B. used threats and strong-arm techniques to keep control over constituents. C. were generally honest men who sought to serve the public interests. D. seldom sought out the support of immigrants. Points Possible:1.00 10. Thomas Nast A. was extremely popular, but his success failed to influence the popularity of political cartoons in general. B. refused to use caricature as a means of attacking political leaders whom he opposed. C. staunchly supported William Tweed with his cartoons. D. popularized the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey. Points Possible:1.00 11. Which of the following scandals did NOT involve President Grant's administration? A. Jay Gould and James Fisk's attempt to corner the gold market. B. Crédit Mobilier's gifts of stock to members of Congress, which resulted in profitable subsidies for stockholders. C. Treasury Department officials accepted bribes from whiskey distillers and distributors. D. Grant's vice president, Schuyler Colfax, and members of Congress accepted bribes to support the silver standard. Points Possible:1.00 12. Chester A. Arthur was succeeded by A. Rutherford B. Hayes. B. James Blaine. C. Grover Cleveland. D. William McKinley. Points Possible:1.00 13. Grover Cleveland was determined to A. promote political reform. B. prevent additional reform legislation. C. unify the Republican Party, which had been divided by the Stalwarts and Half-Breeds. D. repeal the Pendleton Civil Service Act. Points Possible:1.00 14. When Benjamin Harrison won the presidency in 1888, he
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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You know, you can probably google all the answers to these questions.
and i guess Wikipedia..go
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Is this really the message Democrats want to send?
Is this really the message Democrats want to send?
http://www.kyw1060.com/Chester-Upland-Schools-Closed-on-Tuesday/3208151 All schools in the Chester-Upland School District, near Philadelphia, are being closed Tuesday because of a Barrack Obama rally at nearby Widener University. For those not from the area, Chester, Pa. is one of the most economically depressed areas in the United States. A few years ago, when I was on a nearby school board, I saw reports that Chester was one of the 5 worst school districts out of the 500 in Pennsylvania. Why are all students being given the day off because Barrack Obama will be in town? If anyone needs a good education, it's kids from this city. I would understand if they gave a pass to any students who asked off to attend the rally, but why should they give every student off, K through 12? Meerschw... No, it would be no different if it was McCain and I made no claim that it would. I agree that children have the right to be informed & that the rally could be educational. That's why I said I'd understand giving a pass to students who want to attend the rally. I believe that this idea would provide more incentive for students to go, rather than just giving them off & letting them sleep in.
Elections - 5 Answers
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I would be outraged if my children attended that school, and the parents should be.
If the school is as bad as you say i dont think one day off is going to make it any worse
But it's ok if McCain were to come, right? Then it wouldn't be an issue- children have the right to be informed of politics and the election. That's what we would say. In my humble opinion, one day isn't too terrible. Kids get school days off for far worse reasons.
That's indoctrination.
As a general policy, I am against closing school for the reason you cite: education is so important. The exceptions are if there is legit educational benefit. For example, if the students were required to spend the day studying our election system. If traffic or safety is compromised to the extent that schools must be closed, then I think a rally should be moved.
http://www.kyw1060.com/Chester-Upland-Schools-Closed-on-Tuesday/3208151 All schools in the Chester-Upland School District, near Philadelphia, are being closed Tuesday because of a Barrack Obama rally at nearby Widener University. For those not from the area, Chester, Pa. is one of the most economically depressed areas in the United States. A few years ago, when I was on a nearby school board, I saw reports that Chester was one of the 5 worst school districts out of the 500 in Pennsylvania. Why are all students being given the day off because Barrack Obama will be in town? If anyone needs a good education, it's kids from this city. I would understand if they gave a pass to any students who asked off to attend the rally, but why should they give every student off, K through 12? Meerschw... No, it would be no different if it was McCain and I made no claim that it would. I agree that children have the right to be informed & that the rally could be educational. That's why I said I'd understand giving a pass to students who want to attend the rally. I believe that this idea would provide more incentive for students to go, rather than just giving them off & letting them sleep in.
Elections - 5 Answers
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I would be outraged if my children attended that school, and the parents should be.
If the school is as bad as you say i dont think one day off is going to make it any worse
But it's ok if McCain were to come, right? Then it wouldn't be an issue- children have the right to be informed of politics and the election. That's what we would say. In my humble opinion, one day isn't too terrible. Kids get school days off for far worse reasons.
That's indoctrination.
As a general policy, I am against closing school for the reason you cite: education is so important. The exceptions are if there is legit educational benefit. For example, if the students were required to spend the day studying our election system. If traffic or safety is compromised to the extent that schools must be closed, then I think a rally should be moved.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Born & raised in the North, but going to the South for college?
Born & raised in the North, but going to the South for college?
I've lived in the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania my entire life, but now I am a junior in high school and I am starting to look at colleges. I am VERY interested in a few of South Carolina's colleges (Clemson, University of South Carolina, College of Charleston) because they have programs that I see fit & besides, I LOVE South Carolina. I've only ever really been around the Charleston area, and my family and I used to go every year. I love the town of Charleston so much. I know that the other colleges are in the heart of South Carolina, and it's not as touristy there, so I was wondering if anyone else has gone from living in the north, to going to college in the south & how their experience was. Are the people accepting? Is it harder to go to the south, being raised in the north your whole life? Any kind of experiences that you could tell me would be great! We're going to go visit those colleges either winter or spring break, too.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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I'm not sure how helpful this will be but my dad is in the military so we've moved a lot I've lived in the North and the South and to me the only difference is the weather, but that's kind of a given Louisiana vs. Virginia most people would know Louisiana is hotter. Some of the trends are different to in Louisiana I had a friend in Virginia and Crocs were the coolest thing at the time and she had no idea what I was talking about, staple items are the same anywhere. People tend to be different kinds of friendly to for me I have to ask for help in the North and people asked if I needed help in the south of course it all depends on where is the south you go. No one will really see the difference from North and South unless you go to maybe Alabama where they have heavy accents.
You're asking questions that generalize more one can answer, but here are some things you will find. Strangers will smile and say "hi" or wave walking down the street or in hallways. "Y'all come back," is something people say as a friendly invitation when they want you to return another time, such as at restaurants and grocery stores. Fried okra (with onions and plenty of salt) is good. Stewed okra is nasty. People talk slower and listen slower. If you want to be understood, you will have to slow down your speech as well. People who are friendly do not necessarily have an ulterior motive. People have been taught that being friendly, especially to strangers, is polite. Politeness is a really big deal. Friendly strangers will try to ask you all sorts of personal information at the drop of a hat. You may politely defer answering by re-directing the conversation. Outright refusal to engage in this banter will label you as a Yankee. The further south you go, it's referred to as the War Between the States, not the Civil War. People are inordinately fond of their pick-up trucks and boats. Not everyone is a cousin, but Southerners are deeply involved with their extended families, and especially in small towns, everyone will know everyone's business. Southerners love to talk about nothing as much as important matters and telling yarns and stories is considered a fine art form. (Borrowing a line from a Reese Witherspoon movie, "You should need a passport to come here.") However, if you are adventurous, the South is great fun.
I can only speak to experiences at Clemson, since I'm an alumni of that school. Clemson is quite used to and accepting of Northern students--there's a huge New Jersey population there, for example, and I also knew quite a few students from Connecticut. And several from PA, too. While you may get some good-natured ribbing, I doubt you'll feel like an outcast because of where you come from. As long as you've got a sense of humor about it, you should be fine. The only time Southerners get really ticked off at Northerners is when they feel like Northerners are trashing the South. They're not really interested in hearing about "how we do it up North". :) There may be a bit of a culture shock in terms of politics (it's very conservative here), the speed of life, and social interaction (for example, I have several Philly-area friends who think it's borderline rude to smile/say hi to random strangers; in the South, it's outright rude NOT to smile at strangers--politeness, genuine or feigned, is paramount here), but I really don't think it'll be that overwhelming. Really all you need to do is make some good friends, and blend in with the social culture (at Clemson that means going to football games!) and you're good to go. Incidentally, I'm neither a Northerner or a true Southerner. I've lived in SC for over 30 years (since I was 5), but have more of a Midwest and Texan background so I'm kind of a cultural misfit here. I consider myself Southern by history and geography but not by heritage.
I was born and raised in Mass and moved to the south a year ago, I'm not going to college down here but...To answer some of your questions Some of the people will be accepting, But not everyone, You'll run into some really nice people in the south and possibly some that won't like you because of how you Speak and Act. For some people It is hard to move to the south from the north , For me it's hard around Christmas time with no snow and with the heat ( To Me ) it just doesn't feel like Christmas. Your first few weeks alot of people will ask you where your from and say you talk funny, But after awhile you should get used to it. As for me, I'm moving back up north, The south is nice but it's really not for me. But you should do fine in the south, Have fun and enjoy the heat!
I've lived in the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania my entire life, but now I am a junior in high school and I am starting to look at colleges. I am VERY interested in a few of South Carolina's colleges (Clemson, University of South Carolina, College of Charleston) because they have programs that I see fit & besides, I LOVE South Carolina. I've only ever really been around the Charleston area, and my family and I used to go every year. I love the town of Charleston so much. I know that the other colleges are in the heart of South Carolina, and it's not as touristy there, so I was wondering if anyone else has gone from living in the north, to going to college in the south & how their experience was. Are the people accepting? Is it harder to go to the south, being raised in the north your whole life? Any kind of experiences that you could tell me would be great! We're going to go visit those colleges either winter or spring break, too.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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I'm not sure how helpful this will be but my dad is in the military so we've moved a lot I've lived in the North and the South and to me the only difference is the weather, but that's kind of a given Louisiana vs. Virginia most people would know Louisiana is hotter. Some of the trends are different to in Louisiana I had a friend in Virginia and Crocs were the coolest thing at the time and she had no idea what I was talking about, staple items are the same anywhere. People tend to be different kinds of friendly to for me I have to ask for help in the North and people asked if I needed help in the south of course it all depends on where is the south you go. No one will really see the difference from North and South unless you go to maybe Alabama where they have heavy accents.
You're asking questions that generalize more one can answer, but here are some things you will find. Strangers will smile and say "hi" or wave walking down the street or in hallways. "Y'all come back," is something people say as a friendly invitation when they want you to return another time, such as at restaurants and grocery stores. Fried okra (with onions and plenty of salt) is good. Stewed okra is nasty. People talk slower and listen slower. If you want to be understood, you will have to slow down your speech as well. People who are friendly do not necessarily have an ulterior motive. People have been taught that being friendly, especially to strangers, is polite. Politeness is a really big deal. Friendly strangers will try to ask you all sorts of personal information at the drop of a hat. You may politely defer answering by re-directing the conversation. Outright refusal to engage in this banter will label you as a Yankee. The further south you go, it's referred to as the War Between the States, not the Civil War. People are inordinately fond of their pick-up trucks and boats. Not everyone is a cousin, but Southerners are deeply involved with their extended families, and especially in small towns, everyone will know everyone's business. Southerners love to talk about nothing as much as important matters and telling yarns and stories is considered a fine art form. (Borrowing a line from a Reese Witherspoon movie, "You should need a passport to come here.") However, if you are adventurous, the South is great fun.
I can only speak to experiences at Clemson, since I'm an alumni of that school. Clemson is quite used to and accepting of Northern students--there's a huge New Jersey population there, for example, and I also knew quite a few students from Connecticut. And several from PA, too. While you may get some good-natured ribbing, I doubt you'll feel like an outcast because of where you come from. As long as you've got a sense of humor about it, you should be fine. The only time Southerners get really ticked off at Northerners is when they feel like Northerners are trashing the South. They're not really interested in hearing about "how we do it up North". :) There may be a bit of a culture shock in terms of politics (it's very conservative here), the speed of life, and social interaction (for example, I have several Philly-area friends who think it's borderline rude to smile/say hi to random strangers; in the South, it's outright rude NOT to smile at strangers--politeness, genuine or feigned, is paramount here), but I really don't think it'll be that overwhelming. Really all you need to do is make some good friends, and blend in with the social culture (at Clemson that means going to football games!) and you're good to go. Incidentally, I'm neither a Northerner or a true Southerner. I've lived in SC for over 30 years (since I was 5), but have more of a Midwest and Texan background so I'm kind of a cultural misfit here. I consider myself Southern by history and geography but not by heritage.
I was born and raised in Mass and moved to the south a year ago, I'm not going to college down here but...To answer some of your questions Some of the people will be accepting, But not everyone, You'll run into some really nice people in the south and possibly some that won't like you because of how you Speak and Act. For some people It is hard to move to the south from the north , For me it's hard around Christmas time with no snow and with the heat ( To Me ) it just doesn't feel like Christmas. Your first few weeks alot of people will ask you where your from and say you talk funny, But after awhile you should get used to it. As for me, I'm moving back up north, The south is nice but it's really not for me. But you should do fine in the south, Have fun and enjoy the heat!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Questions about Sochi
Questions about Sochi?
I have a dream of meeting Shaun White. A huge dream! I have wanted to meet him since the 2006 Olympics when I was only 12. I am currently 16 (turning 17) and a junior in high school in Pennsylvania, USA. I am planning on either going to the Dew Tour, Winter X Games, or 2014 Sochi Olympics. I would rather go to the Olympics, since it might be his last run in the Olympics. Anyway, I had a couple of questions about the Olympics coming up in Sochi… 1. When can you start buying event tickets?? I want to buy them as soon as possible to get closer seats and so I make sure I have them. 2. Roughly how much would a round trip plane ticket cost? I would probably be flying out from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Baltimore. 3. Roughly how much would a hotel cost for each day? 4. I saw the Men’s Halfpipe event ticket cost $150 for the A Level, would it be roughly the same in Sochi? 5. Do the people who work at the Olympics know English? (I’m learning Russian anyway, but I’m still a beginner.)
Olympics - 2 Answers
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No matter how often you ask these questions, you will get the same answers, so why not give it up?
yea i don`t understand why you ask the same one over and over
I have a dream of meeting Shaun White. A huge dream! I have wanted to meet him since the 2006 Olympics when I was only 12. I am currently 16 (turning 17) and a junior in high school in Pennsylvania, USA. I am planning on either going to the Dew Tour, Winter X Games, or 2014 Sochi Olympics. I would rather go to the Olympics, since it might be his last run in the Olympics. Anyway, I had a couple of questions about the Olympics coming up in Sochi… 1. When can you start buying event tickets?? I want to buy them as soon as possible to get closer seats and so I make sure I have them. 2. Roughly how much would a round trip plane ticket cost? I would probably be flying out from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Baltimore. 3. Roughly how much would a hotel cost for each day? 4. I saw the Men’s Halfpipe event ticket cost $150 for the A Level, would it be roughly the same in Sochi? 5. Do the people who work at the Olympics know English? (I’m learning Russian anyway, but I’m still a beginner.)
Olympics - 2 Answers
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No matter how often you ask these questions, you will get the same answers, so why not give it up?
yea i don`t understand why you ask the same one over and over
Sunday, June 12, 2011
2014 Sochi Questions...?
2014 Sochi Questions...?
I have a dream of meeting Shaun White. A huge dream! I have wanted to meet him since the 2006 Olympics when I was only 12. I am currently 16 (turning 17) and a junior in high school in Pennsylvania, USA. I am planning on either going to the Dew Tour, Winter X Games, or 2014 Sochi Olympics. I would rather go to the Olympics, since it might be his last run in the Olympics. Anyway, I had a couple of questions about the Olympics coming up in Sochi… 1. When can you start buying event tickets?? I want to buy them as soon as possible to get closer seats and so I make sure I have them. 2. Roughly how much would a round trip plane ticket cost? I would probably be flying out from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Baltimore. 3. Roughly how much would a hotel cost for each day? 4. I saw the Men’s Halfpipe event ticket cost $150 for the A Level, would it be roughly the same in Sochi? 5. Do the people who work at the Olympics know English? (I’m learning Russian anyway, but I’m still a beginner.)
Olympics - 1 Answers
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The trick with Russia is that if you want to live like a Russian you will live cheap, but if you want to do anything even remotely North American you will pay like crazy. I do not know when you can buy tickets, that is not what I know, but I will tell you about some of your other questions. A plane ticket to Russia will cost anywhere between $900-$1200 round trip to Moscow. Once in Moscow it is a bit of a trip to Sochi, which is on the Black Sea. I've read that perhaps there will be a high speed train running by 2014, but it is hard to predict things like this in Russia. Also, the Nevsky Express, Russia's other high speed train route, was bombed this year. According to rumours the train will cost approximately $20 and take 15 hours, but this seems like a gross underapproximation. Train travel is very cheap in Russia, but the Nevsky Express costs roughly $150 and is a much shorter distance. Flights from Moscow to Sochi can be bought, but regular train travel in Russia is very cheap and quite enjoyable. The distance from Moscow is 1,300km, which on a standard Russian train (max speed 120km/h) should take you about a day. Probably if you left first thing in the morning you would arrive first thing the next day. I have never travelled to Sochi, but have taken many train rides in other directions from Moscow! Hotels in Sochi will be expensive. Like I mentioned it is not cheap to live like a North American. If you want European toilets, toilet paper, American style hotels with nice carpet and new bedding it will cost you dearly. If you can be satisfied with a Russian style toilet, a situation where you must finagle bumagi (TP) from a woman with metal teeth, and rough wool comforters you may pay much less. The problem is that the Sochi government will know you are coming with money and make it difficult to find such accommodation. It is dangerous in Russia for people to know that you have much money, because many of them do not. It is unlikely you will encounter crime, Russia is very safe, but people will charge you money for everything. I have paid fifty cents for a piece of newspaper to wipe my arse in a jimmy john I'd already paid fifty cents to enter. For hotel prices I would expect the same prices as in Moscow for the duration of the events. Expect to pay roughly 2000-5000rb a night for your room. A homestay would be your best bet as a young person and you may get lucky. I stayed in Petersburg in the Summer for only 1000rb a night and in Moscow for the same, although Peterburg was a homestay and Moscow was a hostel. Again, hotels are expensive in Russia. When you get to the Russia you will find that nobody will be happy to speak English with you among the Russians. This is not Canada or Western Europe. They do not accept dollars, they do not have the same cultural way-points, and they mostly do not know English. If you can't read cyrillics you will have an impossible time in Russia. If you are not quite street smart you can easily get lost and nobody will want to help you. As an example, when I arrived in Moscow last I used a cash machine to exchange some of my Euros into Rubles. The machine took about a thousand Euros, made a noise, and promptly displayed a message reading NE RABOTAET, roughly translated as "he doesn't work". I do not want to suggest that I speak Russian, either. I was lucky enough to argue loudly enough with what Russian I can speak that an Aeroflot steward passing by heard me, stopped, and settled the affair. Result? A prepaid credit card with all my money on it that I could use after... ten days. Bureaucracy is still pretty thick, but you need to be ahead of the curve or at least willing to fight against it effectively. Russia is not an easy country in which to travel. They do not like tourists and do everything they can to keep people out of their country. However, it is a beautiful country filled with amazing places, people, and experiences. You will need a lot of money and "balls of steel", but best of luck. It is truly my favourite place on earth.
I have a dream of meeting Shaun White. A huge dream! I have wanted to meet him since the 2006 Olympics when I was only 12. I am currently 16 (turning 17) and a junior in high school in Pennsylvania, USA. I am planning on either going to the Dew Tour, Winter X Games, or 2014 Sochi Olympics. I would rather go to the Olympics, since it might be his last run in the Olympics. Anyway, I had a couple of questions about the Olympics coming up in Sochi… 1. When can you start buying event tickets?? I want to buy them as soon as possible to get closer seats and so I make sure I have them. 2. Roughly how much would a round trip plane ticket cost? I would probably be flying out from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Baltimore. 3. Roughly how much would a hotel cost for each day? 4. I saw the Men’s Halfpipe event ticket cost $150 for the A Level, would it be roughly the same in Sochi? 5. Do the people who work at the Olympics know English? (I’m learning Russian anyway, but I’m still a beginner.)
Olympics - 1 Answers
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The trick with Russia is that if you want to live like a Russian you will live cheap, but if you want to do anything even remotely North American you will pay like crazy. I do not know when you can buy tickets, that is not what I know, but I will tell you about some of your other questions. A plane ticket to Russia will cost anywhere between $900-$1200 round trip to Moscow. Once in Moscow it is a bit of a trip to Sochi, which is on the Black Sea. I've read that perhaps there will be a high speed train running by 2014, but it is hard to predict things like this in Russia. Also, the Nevsky Express, Russia's other high speed train route, was bombed this year. According to rumours the train will cost approximately $20 and take 15 hours, but this seems like a gross underapproximation. Train travel is very cheap in Russia, but the Nevsky Express costs roughly $150 and is a much shorter distance. Flights from Moscow to Sochi can be bought, but regular train travel in Russia is very cheap and quite enjoyable. The distance from Moscow is 1,300km, which on a standard Russian train (max speed 120km/h) should take you about a day. Probably if you left first thing in the morning you would arrive first thing the next day. I have never travelled to Sochi, but have taken many train rides in other directions from Moscow! Hotels in Sochi will be expensive. Like I mentioned it is not cheap to live like a North American. If you want European toilets, toilet paper, American style hotels with nice carpet and new bedding it will cost you dearly. If you can be satisfied with a Russian style toilet, a situation where you must finagle bumagi (TP) from a woman with metal teeth, and rough wool comforters you may pay much less. The problem is that the Sochi government will know you are coming with money and make it difficult to find such accommodation. It is dangerous in Russia for people to know that you have much money, because many of them do not. It is unlikely you will encounter crime, Russia is very safe, but people will charge you money for everything. I have paid fifty cents for a piece of newspaper to wipe my arse in a jimmy john I'd already paid fifty cents to enter. For hotel prices I would expect the same prices as in Moscow for the duration of the events. Expect to pay roughly 2000-5000rb a night for your room. A homestay would be your best bet as a young person and you may get lucky. I stayed in Petersburg in the Summer for only 1000rb a night and in Moscow for the same, although Peterburg was a homestay and Moscow was a hostel. Again, hotels are expensive in Russia. When you get to the Russia you will find that nobody will be happy to speak English with you among the Russians. This is not Canada or Western Europe. They do not accept dollars, they do not have the same cultural way-points, and they mostly do not know English. If you can't read cyrillics you will have an impossible time in Russia. If you are not quite street smart you can easily get lost and nobody will want to help you. As an example, when I arrived in Moscow last I used a cash machine to exchange some of my Euros into Rubles. The machine took about a thousand Euros, made a noise, and promptly displayed a message reading NE RABOTAET, roughly translated as "he doesn't work". I do not want to suggest that I speak Russian, either. I was lucky enough to argue loudly enough with what Russian I can speak that an Aeroflot steward passing by heard me, stopped, and settled the affair. Result? A prepaid credit card with all my money on it that I could use after... ten days. Bureaucracy is still pretty thick, but you need to be ahead of the curve or at least willing to fight against it effectively. Russia is not an easy country in which to travel. They do not like tourists and do everything they can to keep people out of their country. However, it is a beautiful country filled with amazing places, people, and experiences. You will need a lot of money and "balls of steel", but best of luck. It is truly my favourite place on earth.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Affordable Los Angeles Apartments? & colleges?
Affordable Los Angeles Apartments? & colleges?
Hi i'm 17 and me and three of my friends would like to move to California (L.A) from Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). I wanted to know what would be a good affordable area for four young women? We would like to move out there after high school. Also, we are trying to find colleges there. We need to know what are you affordable colleges because our parents dont have much money to send us to big schools. I heard about California State University, Los Angeles and also East Los angeles college. Is there anymore? It would be great if you could tell me what colleges have dorms to stay in and good area's to live in if we share an apartment! PLEASE help, we're really motivated to move out to the west coast and we don't have much information. Thanks..
Los Angeles - 1 Answers
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I have a friend who also moved from philly to CA and he is doing good...There are alot of Colleges but if money is a concern you are probably better off going to a Jr. College...ELAC is a college that you stated and is ok...but another college that i would recomend is Mt. San Antonio College....it is located between the 10 and 60 fwy and probably about 30-40 minutes from downtown Los Angeles....it is in a great neighborhood and is probably one of the most popular Jr Colleges in this area....If you live near that college everything is local...the mountains...the beaches..downtown Los Angeles...the Cost of living will be cheaper and will be a great school to transfer from once generals are completed...Good Luck
Hi i'm 17 and me and three of my friends would like to move to California (L.A) from Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). I wanted to know what would be a good affordable area for four young women? We would like to move out there after high school. Also, we are trying to find colleges there. We need to know what are you affordable colleges because our parents dont have much money to send us to big schools. I heard about California State University, Los Angeles and also East Los angeles college. Is there anymore? It would be great if you could tell me what colleges have dorms to stay in and good area's to live in if we share an apartment! PLEASE help, we're really motivated to move out to the west coast and we don't have much information. Thanks..
Los Angeles - 1 Answers
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I have a friend who also moved from philly to CA and he is doing good...There are alot of Colleges but if money is a concern you are probably better off going to a Jr. College...ELAC is a college that you stated and is ok...but another college that i would recomend is Mt. San Antonio College....it is located between the 10 and 60 fwy and probably about 30-40 minutes from downtown Los Angeles....it is in a great neighborhood and is probably one of the most popular Jr Colleges in this area....If you live near that college everything is local...the mountains...the beaches..downtown Los Angeles...the Cost of living will be cheaper and will be a great school to transfer from once generals are completed...Good Luck
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Important Question About 2014?
Important Question About 2014?
I have a dream of meeting Shaun White. A huge dream! I have wanted to meet him since the 2006 Olympics when I was only 12. I am currently 16 (turning 17) and a junior in high school in Pennsylvania, USA. I am planning on either going to the Dew Tour, Winter X Games, or 2014 Sochi Olympics. I would rather go to the Olympics, since it might be his last run in the Olympics. Anyway, I had a couple of questions about the Olympics coming up in Sochi… 1. When can you start buying event tickets?? I want to buy them as soon as possible to get closer seats and so I make sure I have them. 2. Roughly how much would a round trip plane ticket cost? I would probably be flying out from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Baltimore. 3. Roughly how much would a hotel cost for each day? 4. I saw the Men’s Halfpipe event ticket cost $150 for the A Level, would it be roughly the same in Sochi? 5. Do the people who work at the Olympics know English? (I’m learning Russian anyway, but I’m still a beginner.)
Olympics - 1 Answers
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1. $500 2. $1500 3. $50 4. No 5. Yes
I have a dream of meeting Shaun White. A huge dream! I have wanted to meet him since the 2006 Olympics when I was only 12. I am currently 16 (turning 17) and a junior in high school in Pennsylvania, USA. I am planning on either going to the Dew Tour, Winter X Games, or 2014 Sochi Olympics. I would rather go to the Olympics, since it might be his last run in the Olympics. Anyway, I had a couple of questions about the Olympics coming up in Sochi… 1. When can you start buying event tickets?? I want to buy them as soon as possible to get closer seats and so I make sure I have them. 2. Roughly how much would a round trip plane ticket cost? I would probably be flying out from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Baltimore. 3. Roughly how much would a hotel cost for each day? 4. I saw the Men’s Halfpipe event ticket cost $150 for the A Level, would it be roughly the same in Sochi? 5. Do the people who work at the Olympics know English? (I’m learning Russian anyway, but I’m still a beginner.)
Olympics - 1 Answers
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1. $500 2. $1500 3. $50 4. No 5. Yes
Monday, June 6, 2011
Best Graphic Design/Film Institute? ?
Best Graphic Design/Film Institute? ?
I'm attending a national portfolio day tomorrow to get some critique about my work. From the list below, which colleges/institutions would you suggest I talk to? (The best ones for graphic/film) Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA PrattMWP, Utica, NY Columbus College of Art & Design, Columbus, OH The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA Parson-Paris School of Art & Design, Paris Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, Old Lyme, CT The Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH Corcoran College of Art + Design, Washington, DC Parsons The New School for Design, New York, NY Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY FIDM/The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles, CA Delaware College of Art & Design, Wilmington, DE Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA Art Academy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH School of Visual Arts, New York, NY New Hampshire Institute of Art, Manchester, NH Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI VCUarts, Richmond, VA
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Graphic Design and Film are usually two separate majors, often in completely different departments/colleges in a university. I don't have expertise in film but I teach graphic design. The following are schools I take seriously. There may be others from the list you gave, but I'm not familiar with them -- especially west coast. These are excellent schools for graphic design -- not in any particular order. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA VCUarts, Richmond, VA Design is a great career but it is very competitive, so a good education is critical. Enjoy the portfolio day. Good luck!
I'm attending a national portfolio day tomorrow to get some critique about my work. From the list below, which colleges/institutions would you suggest I talk to? (The best ones for graphic/film) Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA PrattMWP, Utica, NY Columbus College of Art & Design, Columbus, OH The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA Parson-Paris School of Art & Design, Paris Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, Old Lyme, CT The Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH Corcoran College of Art + Design, Washington, DC Parsons The New School for Design, New York, NY Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY FIDM/The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles, CA Delaware College of Art & Design, Wilmington, DE Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA Art Academy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH School of Visual Arts, New York, NY New Hampshire Institute of Art, Manchester, NH Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI VCUarts, Richmond, VA
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Graphic Design and Film are usually two separate majors, often in completely different departments/colleges in a university. I don't have expertise in film but I teach graphic design. The following are schools I take seriously. There may be others from the list you gave, but I'm not familiar with them -- especially west coast. These are excellent schools for graphic design -- not in any particular order. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA VCUarts, Richmond, VA Design is a great career but it is very competitive, so a good education is critical. Enjoy the portfolio day. Good luck!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Affordable Los Angeles Apartments? & colleges?
Affordable Los Angeles Apartments? & colleges?
Hi i'm 17 and me and three of my friends would like to move to California (L.A) from Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). I wanted to know what would be a good affordable area for four young women? We would like to move out there after high school. Also, we are trying to find colleges there. We need to know what are you affordable colleges because our parents dont have much money to send us to big schools. I heard about California State University, Los Angeles and also East Los angeles college. Is there anymore? It would be great if you could tell me what colleges have dorms to stay in and good area's to live in if we share an apartment! PLEASE help, we're really motivated to move out to the west coast and we don't have much information. Thanks..
Los Angeles - 4 Answers
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Obviously you don't have much information. Here's some, but probably not what you were expecting: Perhaps they don't teach math where you go to school. Let's do the math, shall we? Coming to Socal out of HS, you'll make minimum wage, which is currently $8 per hour. If you are lucky enough to get 40 hours per week, that's 320 per week, or $1280 gross per month. And that's BEFORE taxes. Take home is probably $910. Now it's a hard economic fact that you should spend around 1/3 of your salary on rent or mortgage. One third of $910 is about $300, which is what you can afford. However, the average rent for a studio/bachelor/single apartment is about $1000, and a 1BR is about $1200. In order to afford that, you need to make at least $3000 per month. The smallest place you would need is a 2BR, since the max is 2 people per BR. For that, you're looking at about $1600 on average. Cal State LA and ELAC are commuter campuses. They don't have dorms. CSLA is a four year college, and ELAC is just a junior college (2 year). And the fees for out of state students are very high. And neither or those areas are really great for 4 young women. Cal State Northridge or Cal State Fullerton might be a better fit. At least they have dorms, although it might be difficult to get into. Those areas are better than the one you mentioned. Go to their web sites and check them out: www.csun.edu and www.fullerton.edu. Good luck.
im a cali native so i think i can help a lil bit.. 1. Colleges: the most affordable colleges are the community colleges & CSU's. I go to csulb & i think our tuition is a lil lower than the other CSU's but im not sure. Also since you are an out of state resident you're tuition will be higher than in-state residents. Check the link for CSULB's tuition. http://www.csulb.edu/depts/enrollment/registration/fees_basics.html Also some colleges have cut back their admissions even to those that are qualified. This state is in a budget crisis & are cutting back a lot of funds. I don't know how much financial aid you will be able to get. Starting out at a JC might be better for the time being. 2. Affordable housing?? Umm there are decent priced apartments around the bigger schools...like the csu's & uc's. BUT the question is how will you pay your rent. Will your parents be helping you? If not, good luck with finding a job. Stores are either closing down, firing or not hiring in new employees. Work study at the school of your choice may be the best bet. FYI Freshmens usually have classes M-F so that will affect how many hrs you can work combined with the crappy bus system. In my opinion this isn't the best time to come out here ESPECIALLY fresh out of high school. Any more questions you can email me...more than willing to help
Yeah...um.. if you're white, I highly doubt you'll want to live in East LA. If you don't have much money, then it's best you stay in Pennsylvania. Here's why: As of right now, because of the economy, a job opening in Los Angeles is almost non existent. With the closings of Shoe Pavilion, Linens-N-Things, Mervyns, and Circuit City, it's going to be EVEN MORE difficult. Just recently the unemployment rate went from 9.4% to 10.1%!! You will also need about $10,000 to start off. Decent prices start at $1000 mo. for either an extremely small studio or a 1bd/1ba apartment if you're lucky. There is no such thing as $550 mo. here. A minimum waged job alone will barely pay the rent. Remember, you need to eat, you need water, gas, electric, personal hygiene, etc. Bottom Line: Look elsewhere. In 3 months, you'll be back in Pennsylvania with no improvement whatsoever.
Hmmm may be difficult with you guys being really young. It's the reality of it, but I'm not going to knock your guys' dream of living in Los Angeles. I would say that if you were to go to East LA community college which is cheaper than most the other JCs, you should live in alhambra or Monterey Park. But with four of you sharing an apt. I would say you could get a 1 or 2 bedroom apt around Alhambra or South Pasadena for about 2000 a month so it'll be like 500 dollars each of you. Make sure you try to get a job. Avoid the westside because it is EXTREMELY expensive. You should make sure you have the money. The area is great to live in, just don't get too crazy into the nightlife. Good luck. See you here!
Hi i'm 17 and me and three of my friends would like to move to California (L.A) from Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). I wanted to know what would be a good affordable area for four young women? We would like to move out there after high school. Also, we are trying to find colleges there. We need to know what are you affordable colleges because our parents dont have much money to send us to big schools. I heard about California State University, Los Angeles and also East Los angeles college. Is there anymore? It would be great if you could tell me what colleges have dorms to stay in and good area's to live in if we share an apartment! PLEASE help, we're really motivated to move out to the west coast and we don't have much information. Thanks..
Los Angeles - 4 Answers
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Obviously you don't have much information. Here's some, but probably not what you were expecting: Perhaps they don't teach math where you go to school. Let's do the math, shall we? Coming to Socal out of HS, you'll make minimum wage, which is currently $8 per hour. If you are lucky enough to get 40 hours per week, that's 320 per week, or $1280 gross per month. And that's BEFORE taxes. Take home is probably $910. Now it's a hard economic fact that you should spend around 1/3 of your salary on rent or mortgage. One third of $910 is about $300, which is what you can afford. However, the average rent for a studio/bachelor/single apartment is about $1000, and a 1BR is about $1200. In order to afford that, you need to make at least $3000 per month. The smallest place you would need is a 2BR, since the max is 2 people per BR. For that, you're looking at about $1600 on average. Cal State LA and ELAC are commuter campuses. They don't have dorms. CSLA is a four year college, and ELAC is just a junior college (2 year). And the fees for out of state students are very high. And neither or those areas are really great for 4 young women. Cal State Northridge or Cal State Fullerton might be a better fit. At least they have dorms, although it might be difficult to get into. Those areas are better than the one you mentioned. Go to their web sites and check them out: www.csun.edu and www.fullerton.edu. Good luck.
im a cali native so i think i can help a lil bit.. 1. Colleges: the most affordable colleges are the community colleges & CSU's. I go to csulb & i think our tuition is a lil lower than the other CSU's but im not sure. Also since you are an out of state resident you're tuition will be higher than in-state residents. Check the link for CSULB's tuition. http://www.csulb.edu/depts/enrollment/registration/fees_basics.html Also some colleges have cut back their admissions even to those that are qualified. This state is in a budget crisis & are cutting back a lot of funds. I don't know how much financial aid you will be able to get. Starting out at a JC might be better for the time being. 2. Affordable housing?? Umm there are decent priced apartments around the bigger schools...like the csu's & uc's. BUT the question is how will you pay your rent. Will your parents be helping you? If not, good luck with finding a job. Stores are either closing down, firing or not hiring in new employees. Work study at the school of your choice may be the best bet. FYI Freshmens usually have classes M-F so that will affect how many hrs you can work combined with the crappy bus system. In my opinion this isn't the best time to come out here ESPECIALLY fresh out of high school. Any more questions you can email me...more than willing to help
Yeah...um.. if you're white, I highly doubt you'll want to live in East LA. If you don't have much money, then it's best you stay in Pennsylvania. Here's why: As of right now, because of the economy, a job opening in Los Angeles is almost non existent. With the closings of Shoe Pavilion, Linens-N-Things, Mervyns, and Circuit City, it's going to be EVEN MORE difficult. Just recently the unemployment rate went from 9.4% to 10.1%!! You will also need about $10,000 to start off. Decent prices start at $1000 mo. for either an extremely small studio or a 1bd/1ba apartment if you're lucky. There is no such thing as $550 mo. here. A minimum waged job alone will barely pay the rent. Remember, you need to eat, you need water, gas, electric, personal hygiene, etc. Bottom Line: Look elsewhere. In 3 months, you'll be back in Pennsylvania with no improvement whatsoever.
Hmmm may be difficult with you guys being really young. It's the reality of it, but I'm not going to knock your guys' dream of living in Los Angeles. I would say that if you were to go to East LA community college which is cheaper than most the other JCs, you should live in alhambra or Monterey Park. But with four of you sharing an apt. I would say you could get a 1 or 2 bedroom apt around Alhambra or South Pasadena for about 2000 a month so it'll be like 500 dollars each of you. Make sure you try to get a job. Avoid the westside because it is EXTREMELY expensive. You should make sure you have the money. The area is great to live in, just don't get too crazy into the nightlife. Good luck. See you here!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Help with my Social Studies homework
Help with my Social Studies homework?
Question 1 Chester A. Arthur was succeeded by Rutherford B. Hayes. James Blaine. Grover Cleveland. William McKinley. Question 2 Many Americans attended the theater and enjoyed melodramatic performances in which the villains were poor immigrants and the heroes were generous nouveau riche. the villains were immigrants and the heroes were nativists. the villains were nativists and the heroes were Americanized immigrants. the villains were wealthy aristocrats and the heroes were working-class people. Question 3 Which of the following scandals did NOT involve President Grant’s administration? Jay Gould and James Fisk’s attempt to corner the gold market. Crédit Mobilier’s gifts of stock to members of Congress, which resulted in profitable subsidies for stockholders. Treasury Department officials accepted bribes from whiskey distillers and distributors. Grant’s vice president, Schuyler Colfax, and members of Congress accepted bribes to support the silver standard. Question 4 Political bosses and precinct captains often formed personal relationships with constituents. used threats and strong-arm techniques to keep control over constituents. were generally honest men who sought to serve the public interests. seldom sought out the support of immigrants. Question 5 When the long cattle drives reached the railheads, cowboys were forbidden from entering the towns by temperance societies. few cowboys remained long in the towns. cowboys spent their earnings freely in saloons and gambling halls. many cowboys settled down in the new communities. Question 6 Thomas Nast was extremely popular, but his success failed to influence the popularity of political cartoons in general. refused to use caricature as a means of attacking political leaders whom he opposed. staunchly supported William Tweed with his cartoons. popularized the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey. Question 7 During the last half of the 1800s, educational reform made large strides toward racially integrating all public schools. was limited by small increases in funding for education. included instruction in behavior, civic loyalty, and American cultural values. reached only the children of the middle and upper classes. Question 8 When Benjamin Harrison won the presidency in 1888, he spearheaded the repeal of the Pendleton Civil Service Act. broke with his party and supported additional political reform. doubled the list of federal jobs covered by the civil service list. allowed Republicans to fill almost every federal job not covered by the civil service list with members of their party. Question 9 Department stores succeeded because they sold products through catalogs to people living in rural areas. bought goods in bulk and therefore could sell them at low prices. were monopolies. were chain stores. Question 10 Grover Cleveland was determined to promote political reform. prevent additional reform legislation. unify the Republican Party, which had been divided by the Stalwarts and Half-Breeds. repeal the Pendleton Civil Service Act. Question 11 When state governments passed Granger laws, farmers complained that railroad freight rates were already higher for short routes than for long ones. many farmers had to sell their farms and become farm laborers. railroads protested that only the federal government, not states, could regulate railroads. bankers protested that the states could not regulate interest rates on farm loans. Question 12 The first electric trolley, or streetcar, began service in Richmond, Virginia. St. Paul, Minnesota. Cleveland, Ohio. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Question 13 Under Terence V. Powderly, the Knights of Labor supported child labor. opposed the temperance movement. refused to support the rights of African Americans. refused to support the rights of Chinese workers. Question 14 Because he was disturbed by the poor conditions of city life, George Pullman donated $350 million to help build libraries. encouraged his employees to form a union. provided his employees with benefits that made him extremely popular with them. built a planned community next to his factory. Question 15 African American settlers rushed into Kansas during the so-called Kansas Fever of 1852. 1867. 1877. 1894. Question 16 Many Plains Indians refused to live on reservations because the U.S. government refused to meet their demands. the U.S. government never offered them a treaty. their leaders preferred an honorable death to life on a reservation. following the roaming buffalo herds was a part of their culture that they did not want to give up. Question 17
Homework Help - 3 Answers
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r u kidding.......by the time you typed all that into your question,you could have googled all of it and done it yourself
Yeah, this is pretty much cheating. Grow up.
ummm, are you in buckeye/Lincoln online? I'm just asking because I had similar questions. I would suggest looking through your book some more, they usually just flat out give you the answer...
Question 1 Chester A. Arthur was succeeded by Rutherford B. Hayes. James Blaine. Grover Cleveland. William McKinley. Question 2 Many Americans attended the theater and enjoyed melodramatic performances in which the villains were poor immigrants and the heroes were generous nouveau riche. the villains were immigrants and the heroes were nativists. the villains were nativists and the heroes were Americanized immigrants. the villains were wealthy aristocrats and the heroes were working-class people. Question 3 Which of the following scandals did NOT involve President Grant’s administration? Jay Gould and James Fisk’s attempt to corner the gold market. Crédit Mobilier’s gifts of stock to members of Congress, which resulted in profitable subsidies for stockholders. Treasury Department officials accepted bribes from whiskey distillers and distributors. Grant’s vice president, Schuyler Colfax, and members of Congress accepted bribes to support the silver standard. Question 4 Political bosses and precinct captains often formed personal relationships with constituents. used threats and strong-arm techniques to keep control over constituents. were generally honest men who sought to serve the public interests. seldom sought out the support of immigrants. Question 5 When the long cattle drives reached the railheads, cowboys were forbidden from entering the towns by temperance societies. few cowboys remained long in the towns. cowboys spent their earnings freely in saloons and gambling halls. many cowboys settled down in the new communities. Question 6 Thomas Nast was extremely popular, but his success failed to influence the popularity of political cartoons in general. refused to use caricature as a means of attacking political leaders whom he opposed. staunchly supported William Tweed with his cartoons. popularized the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey. Question 7 During the last half of the 1800s, educational reform made large strides toward racially integrating all public schools. was limited by small increases in funding for education. included instruction in behavior, civic loyalty, and American cultural values. reached only the children of the middle and upper classes. Question 8 When Benjamin Harrison won the presidency in 1888, he spearheaded the repeal of the Pendleton Civil Service Act. broke with his party and supported additional political reform. doubled the list of federal jobs covered by the civil service list. allowed Republicans to fill almost every federal job not covered by the civil service list with members of their party. Question 9 Department stores succeeded because they sold products through catalogs to people living in rural areas. bought goods in bulk and therefore could sell them at low prices. were monopolies. were chain stores. Question 10 Grover Cleveland was determined to promote political reform. prevent additional reform legislation. unify the Republican Party, which had been divided by the Stalwarts and Half-Breeds. repeal the Pendleton Civil Service Act. Question 11 When state governments passed Granger laws, farmers complained that railroad freight rates were already higher for short routes than for long ones. many farmers had to sell their farms and become farm laborers. railroads protested that only the federal government, not states, could regulate railroads. bankers protested that the states could not regulate interest rates on farm loans. Question 12 The first electric trolley, or streetcar, began service in Richmond, Virginia. St. Paul, Minnesota. Cleveland, Ohio. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Question 13 Under Terence V. Powderly, the Knights of Labor supported child labor. opposed the temperance movement. refused to support the rights of African Americans. refused to support the rights of Chinese workers. Question 14 Because he was disturbed by the poor conditions of city life, George Pullman donated $350 million to help build libraries. encouraged his employees to form a union. provided his employees with benefits that made him extremely popular with them. built a planned community next to his factory. Question 15 African American settlers rushed into Kansas during the so-called Kansas Fever of 1852. 1867. 1877. 1894. Question 16 Many Plains Indians refused to live on reservations because the U.S. government refused to meet their demands. the U.S. government never offered them a treaty. their leaders preferred an honorable death to life on a reservation. following the roaming buffalo herds was a part of their culture that they did not want to give up. Question 17
Homework Help - 3 Answers
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r u kidding.......by the time you typed all that into your question,you could have googled all of it and done it yourself
Yeah, this is pretty much cheating. Grow up.
ummm, are you in buckeye/Lincoln online? I'm just asking because I had similar questions. I would suggest looking through your book some more, they usually just flat out give you the answer...
Monday, May 30, 2011
what are the chances i have of getting into west chester?
what are the chances i have of getting into west chester?
I just started my second fall semester at a community college near me. im about to start re-applying to colleges and i heard that temple university and West chester university are both good for education majors (both are in pennsylvania, philadelphia area-ish). my gpa is a 2.8 which i know is horrible. but i was wondering if either schools will look at anything else? i was rejected from temple when i applied in high school and i was told this time that i have a betterchance of getting accepted. anyone know my chances of me getting into west chester tho?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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i went to temple and i used west chester as a back up school. temple is severly over populated these days and they're turning away people. i'd say west chester is a better chance, and they have a more well known education problem, but definitely try your hand at applying to both.
I just started my second fall semester at a community college near me. im about to start re-applying to colleges and i heard that temple university and West chester university are both good for education majors (both are in pennsylvania, philadelphia area-ish). my gpa is a 2.8 which i know is horrible. but i was wondering if either schools will look at anything else? i was rejected from temple when i applied in high school and i was told this time that i have a betterchance of getting accepted. anyone know my chances of me getting into west chester tho?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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i went to temple and i used west chester as a back up school. temple is severly over populated these days and they're turning away people. i'd say west chester is a better chance, and they have a more well known education problem, but definitely try your hand at applying to both.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Should parents be sued for asking questions about their schools management?
Should parents be sued for asking questions about their schools management?
Here is the article that appears in the Philadelphia Inquirer today. Devon charter school sues parents By Martha Woodall Inquirer Staff Writer Several parents at the Agora Cyber Charter School in Devon who asked questions about the school's finances have been sued by the founder and her management company. Dorothy June Brown contends that the parents and the Agora Parent Organization defamed her and Cynwyd Group L.L.C. in complaints sent to the state Department of Education and in e-mails circulated to other parents at the statewide cyber school. The parents say they were just trying to get answers about the relationship between Cynwyd Group and Agora. The cyber school rents its headquarters from Cynwyd under a nine-year lease and pays the firm a management fee of at least 4 percent, according to a services agreement. Brown owns Cynwyd and serves as its senior consultant to Agora, according to school and state records. The civil suit Brown filed in Montgomery County Court on Jan. 21 alleges that the parents made misleading statements "that give the clear but false impression that Dr. Brown is corrupt, incompetent and possibly criminal." The suit also says the parents' association "sought to interfere with Cynwyd's contractual relationship with Agora by spreading untruths about Dr. Brown and by implying that she had improperly used public funds." Brown and Cynwyd are seeking more than $150,000 in damages for libel, slander and civil conspiracy. "The allegations are false," Gladys Stefany of Milton, Pike County, said in an e-mail yesterday. She said she learned about the suit last Tuesday when she was served with papers. 'Civil conspiracy' "When did asking for information that is or should be public information become 'civil conspiracy?' " asked Stefany, who has a 15-year-old daughter enrolled in Agora and is president of the parents' organization. "It is sad that it has come to this, but I'm happy we'll finally have the opportunity to air our case in the open and get answers to our questions." Stefany said the questions did not involve the school's academic program. She said she was more than satisfied with the instruction her special-needs daughter has received. News of the suit left several lawyers and education officials scratching their heads. "I haven't heard of a case of this sort in recent memory," Len Reiser, co-director of the Education Law Center in Center City, said yesterday. Lawyers from the Pennsylvania School Boards Association agreed. SLAPP suit? Angelique Smith of Aston and her husband, Ira, are among the six parents named in the complaint. She said she believed the case amounted to what is known as a "strategic lawsuit against public participation" (SLAPP) and was meant to intimidate and silence critics. "This is really about freedom of speech and freedom of association," Smith said. "This is akin to going to a regular public school and telling the PTA to get out." Brown referred all questions about the suit to her attorney, Wendy Beetlestone. Beetlestone said it was a defamation case and not a SLAPP suit. "In any kind of public discussion, you have to make sure that what you say is true and doesn't bring down the reputation of the person you're talking about," Beetlestone said. She said parents had failed to respond to requests to stop spreading information that she said defamed Brown. "June Brown is a highly respected and innovative educator and has been for many years," Beetlestone said. "When the debate turns to making false statements and doing everything they can to bring her down, she is left with no other option. That's what this lawsuit is about." Brown is the founder of three traditional charter schools in Philadelphia. In 2005, she and Brien N. Gardiner, founder of the Philadelphia Academy Charter School in Northeast Philadelphia, co-founded Agora to provide online home instruction to students across the state. The school Web site listed Gardiner as a co-founder, but his name was removed in May after he became the subject of a federal criminal investigation at Philadelphia Academy and was fired from his consulting position at the charter. The lawsuit against the parents claims Gardiner "had no role in founding Agora and his name does not appear in Agora's application for a charter or in subsequent organizational documents." Brown's lawsuit also charges that Agora parents tried to imply that she "was guilty of some financial wrongdoing on the basis of her association with Gardiner." Records show that Brown and Gardiner did business together. In 2005, they established Cynwyd Group as an educational management company, state records show. In November 2007, the company paid $1.9 million to buy a property at 60 Chestnut Ave., Tredyffrin, that houses the Agora headquarters. The relationship between Gardiner and Brown was severed in May 2008. Gardiner and others were removed from Philadelphia Ac http://www.philly.com/philly/business/homepage/20090203_Devon_charter_school_sues_parents.html
Law & Ethics - 10 Answers
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uhh noo
And these are the adult-children we have teaching our kids. What a sad sad sad approach to solving problems.
This article doesn't show it to be a cut and dry case of the parents asked a question and are getting sued. According to the article it seems the parents went overboard with accusations against the school and their partnerships without any proof, which is slanderous. I think the parents could have handled their concerns in a better way. Since this isn't a public school they have the right to not enroll their kids there and take them elsewhere.
Not at all thats important stuff. You want to know your sending Bobby & mary to good safe schools. You want to ask a new doctor questions & get referrals same with tax people or investment people because you want to know your in good hands so of course they should be able to ask.
I suppose the big question here is are they asking unnecessary questions about a private organization to which they are not compelled to belong. As much as you would like the full and complete disclosure of these financial ties, it really shouldn't matter. If the parents don't like the situation, take your child and your money elsewhere. And if the parents really resorted to untrue Ad Hominem attack against this woman, then this woman should do everything possible to protect her name. We've seen what can happen if we allow mob mentality to rule, and this woman shouldn't necessarily be crucified, just because these people say so.
...just more of the same. There is nothing special or surprising about someone of power abusing it for financial gain.
According to the article the parents didn't ask a simply question about the management of the school, they asked a question about the financials, which the answer was rightfully denied. The parents then proceeded to slander the administration casing damages do the schools reputation. It isn't as cut and dry as one may think.
I don't think these parents are being sued for asking questions. They are being sued because they started a smear campaign against the school on the Internet.
Well if it is private it should be regulated , When I attended college we received a statement every year showing where their budget was spent and exactly how much of that budget was spent on what. but by taking the parents to court they make themselves look guilty of something. They should have made a very public announcement that wanted to negotiate with the parents first.
Counter sue Brown, what a shower that lot are, I would take my kids out of that mess. Methinks they protest too much. An investigation on your behalf, should have been welcomed, without their heavy handed, and highly suspicious stand they have taken. Stick it out, I would have hoped you have every parents support. What about a silent protest, with banners. "" Why Are Finances Kept Secret, Nothing To Hide!!, then No Problem. MAKE ALL FINANCES PUBLIC."" Also inform press and media of your intentions. GOOD LUCK.
Here is the article that appears in the Philadelphia Inquirer today. Devon charter school sues parents By Martha Woodall Inquirer Staff Writer Several parents at the Agora Cyber Charter School in Devon who asked questions about the school's finances have been sued by the founder and her management company. Dorothy June Brown contends that the parents and the Agora Parent Organization defamed her and Cynwyd Group L.L.C. in complaints sent to the state Department of Education and in e-mails circulated to other parents at the statewide cyber school. The parents say they were just trying to get answers about the relationship between Cynwyd Group and Agora. The cyber school rents its headquarters from Cynwyd under a nine-year lease and pays the firm a management fee of at least 4 percent, according to a services agreement. Brown owns Cynwyd and serves as its senior consultant to Agora, according to school and state records. The civil suit Brown filed in Montgomery County Court on Jan. 21 alleges that the parents made misleading statements "that give the clear but false impression that Dr. Brown is corrupt, incompetent and possibly criminal." The suit also says the parents' association "sought to interfere with Cynwyd's contractual relationship with Agora by spreading untruths about Dr. Brown and by implying that she had improperly used public funds." Brown and Cynwyd are seeking more than $150,000 in damages for libel, slander and civil conspiracy. "The allegations are false," Gladys Stefany of Milton, Pike County, said in an e-mail yesterday. She said she learned about the suit last Tuesday when she was served with papers. 'Civil conspiracy' "When did asking for information that is or should be public information become 'civil conspiracy?' " asked Stefany, who has a 15-year-old daughter enrolled in Agora and is president of the parents' organization. "It is sad that it has come to this, but I'm happy we'll finally have the opportunity to air our case in the open and get answers to our questions." Stefany said the questions did not involve the school's academic program. She said she was more than satisfied with the instruction her special-needs daughter has received. News of the suit left several lawyers and education officials scratching their heads. "I haven't heard of a case of this sort in recent memory," Len Reiser, co-director of the Education Law Center in Center City, said yesterday. Lawyers from the Pennsylvania School Boards Association agreed. SLAPP suit? Angelique Smith of Aston and her husband, Ira, are among the six parents named in the complaint. She said she believed the case amounted to what is known as a "strategic lawsuit against public participation" (SLAPP) and was meant to intimidate and silence critics. "This is really about freedom of speech and freedom of association," Smith said. "This is akin to going to a regular public school and telling the PTA to get out." Brown referred all questions about the suit to her attorney, Wendy Beetlestone. Beetlestone said it was a defamation case and not a SLAPP suit. "In any kind of public discussion, you have to make sure that what you say is true and doesn't bring down the reputation of the person you're talking about," Beetlestone said. She said parents had failed to respond to requests to stop spreading information that she said defamed Brown. "June Brown is a highly respected and innovative educator and has been for many years," Beetlestone said. "When the debate turns to making false statements and doing everything they can to bring her down, she is left with no other option. That's what this lawsuit is about." Brown is the founder of three traditional charter schools in Philadelphia. In 2005, she and Brien N. Gardiner, founder of the Philadelphia Academy Charter School in Northeast Philadelphia, co-founded Agora to provide online home instruction to students across the state. The school Web site listed Gardiner as a co-founder, but his name was removed in May after he became the subject of a federal criminal investigation at Philadelphia Academy and was fired from his consulting position at the charter. The lawsuit against the parents claims Gardiner "had no role in founding Agora and his name does not appear in Agora's application for a charter or in subsequent organizational documents." Brown's lawsuit also charges that Agora parents tried to imply that she "was guilty of some financial wrongdoing on the basis of her association with Gardiner." Records show that Brown and Gardiner did business together. In 2005, they established Cynwyd Group as an educational management company, state records show. In November 2007, the company paid $1.9 million to buy a property at 60 Chestnut Ave., Tredyffrin, that houses the Agora headquarters. The relationship between Gardiner and Brown was severed in May 2008. Gardiner and others were removed from Philadelphia Ac http://www.philly.com/philly/business/homepage/20090203_Devon_charter_school_sues_parents.html
Law & Ethics - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
uhh noo
And these are the adult-children we have teaching our kids. What a sad sad sad approach to solving problems.
This article doesn't show it to be a cut and dry case of the parents asked a question and are getting sued. According to the article it seems the parents went overboard with accusations against the school and their partnerships without any proof, which is slanderous. I think the parents could have handled their concerns in a better way. Since this isn't a public school they have the right to not enroll their kids there and take them elsewhere.
Not at all thats important stuff. You want to know your sending Bobby & mary to good safe schools. You want to ask a new doctor questions & get referrals same with tax people or investment people because you want to know your in good hands so of course they should be able to ask.
I suppose the big question here is are they asking unnecessary questions about a private organization to which they are not compelled to belong. As much as you would like the full and complete disclosure of these financial ties, it really shouldn't matter. If the parents don't like the situation, take your child and your money elsewhere. And if the parents really resorted to untrue Ad Hominem attack against this woman, then this woman should do everything possible to protect her name. We've seen what can happen if we allow mob mentality to rule, and this woman shouldn't necessarily be crucified, just because these people say so.
...just more of the same. There is nothing special or surprising about someone of power abusing it for financial gain.
According to the article the parents didn't ask a simply question about the management of the school, they asked a question about the financials, which the answer was rightfully denied. The parents then proceeded to slander the administration casing damages do the schools reputation. It isn't as cut and dry as one may think.
I don't think these parents are being sued for asking questions. They are being sued because they started a smear campaign against the school on the Internet.
Well if it is private it should be regulated , When I attended college we received a statement every year showing where their budget was spent and exactly how much of that budget was spent on what. but by taking the parents to court they make themselves look guilty of something. They should have made a very public announcement that wanted to negotiate with the parents first.
Counter sue Brown, what a shower that lot are, I would take my kids out of that mess. Methinks they protest too much. An investigation on your behalf, should have been welcomed, without their heavy handed, and highly suspicious stand they have taken. Stick it out, I would have hoped you have every parents support. What about a silent protest, with banners. "" Why Are Finances Kept Secret, Nothing To Hide!!, then No Problem. MAKE ALL FINANCES PUBLIC."" Also inform press and media of your intentions. GOOD LUCK.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
How is Pennsylvania's school system?
How is Pennsylvania's school system?
More specifically, how is Philadelphia's school system? Harrisburg? Allentown? Pittsburgh?
Philadelphia - 2 Answers
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All pretty good.
I would say Philadelphia's school system still has a bad reputation, not including the elementary schools.
More specifically, how is Philadelphia's school system? Harrisburg? Allentown? Pittsburgh?
Philadelphia - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
All pretty good.
I would say Philadelphia's school system still has a bad reputation, not including the elementary schools.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Why do some people think that the Qur'an is not the word of God?
Why do some people think that the Qur'an is not the word of God?
When there is a lot of evidence, especially scientific. He is some things that non muslim scientist and professors have said about the Qur'an. 1-Dr. William W. Hay is a well-known marine scientist. He is Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA. He was formerly the Dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA. After a discussion with Professor Hay about the Quran’s mention of recently discovered facts on seas, he said: “I find it very interesting that this sort of information is in the ancient scriptures of the Holy Quran, and I have no way of knowing where they would come from, but I think it is extremely interesting that they are there and that this work is going on to discover it, the meaning of some of the passages.†And when he was asked about the source of the Quran, he replied: “Well, I would think it must be the divine being.†2-Dr. Gerald C. Goeringer is Course Director and Associate Professor of Medical Embryology at the Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA. “In a relatively few aayahs (Quranic verses) is contained a rather comprehensive description of human development from the time of commingling of the gametes through organogenesis. No such distinct and complete record of human development, such as classification, terminology, and description, existed previously. In most, if not all, instances, this description antedates by many centuries the recording of the various stages of human embryonic and fetal development recorded in the traditional scientific literature.†3-Dr. Yoshihide Kozai is Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, and was the Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan. He said: “I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in [the] Quran, and for us the modern astronomers have been studying very small pieces of the universe. We’ve concentrated our efforts for understanding of [a] very small part. Because by using telescopes, we can see only very few parts [of] the sky without thinking [about the] whole universe. So, by reading [the] Quran and by answering to the questions, I think I can find my future way for investigation of the universe.†4-Dr. E. Marshall Johnson is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Developmental Biology at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. There, for 22 years he was Professor of Anatomy, the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, and the Director of the Daniel Baugh Institute. He was also the President of the Teratology Society. He has authored more than 200 publications. “Summary: The Quran describes not only the development of external form, but emphasizes also the internal stages, the stages inside the embryo, of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science.†Also he said: “As a scientist, I can only deal with things which I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and developmental biology. I can understand the words that are translated to me from the Quran. As I gave the example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I knew today and describing things, I could not describe the things which were described. I see no evidence for the fact to refute the concept that this individual, Muhammad, had to be developing this information from some place. So I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved in what he was able to write. 5-Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson is the Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. Formerly, he was Professor of Ob-Gyn and the Chairman of the Department of Ob-Gyn at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. He was also the President of the American Fertility Society. He has received many awards, including the Association of Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology Public Recognition Award in 1992. Professor Simpson studied the following two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad : {In every one of you, all components of your creation are collected together in your mother’s womb by forty days...}2 {If forty-two nights have passed over the embryo, God sends an angel to it, who shapes it and creates its hearing, vision, skin, flesh, and bones....}3 He studied these two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad extensively, noting that the first forty days constitute a clearly distinguishable stage of embryo-genesis. He was particularly impressed by the absolute precision and accuracy of those sayings of the Prophet Muhammad . Then, during one conference, he gave the following opinion: “So that the two hadeeths (the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ) that have been noted provi @@@ If you people read, Its says NON MUSLIM SCIENTISTS have confirmed the Qur'an is the word of God.
Religion & Spirituality - 26 Answers
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Because it's not. It was written by Mohammed.
Because it's not? Don't get me wrong though, the Bible certainly isn't the "word of god" either.
I know it's hard to believe, but some people...SOME people...don't always believe whatever one book tells them to believe. Shocking, I know. Try not to faint.
too long, didnt read
It's silly to think that there's scientific proof of God. And besides, the Karan is not the word of God. I believe the Bible is. Well, I believe the Bible is the word of prophets, divinely inspired. edit: Pff, the thumbs down fairies just adore me. Shoo!
Can you quote me even one instance where it claims that it is? Holy Scripture does: 2Ti 3:16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2Ti 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Every religion claims exclusivity on truth. Many have holy books they claim were written by god himself. This is the principle reason why religions come into conflict with each other.
Some people don't believe in god, that's why! Atheism, Agnosticism, etc.. there are others..
Muhammed was born almost 600 years after Christ. He tried to re-write history and falsify the teachings of Christ by writing the Quran. Muslims (and Islam) say Jesus was a prophet but they reject all His teachings ...that is hypocrisy... They deny the divinity of Christ. they deny his claim to be the Son of God; they deny his death on the cross... they deny His ressurrection.. They deny Jesus is the Christ/ Messiah... In fact, the Quran says: "Allah has no son". Need I say more...? Don't be deceived. The Islamic god is totally different than the God of Jesus Christ . The Bible calls Muhammed and those like him False prophets..... "Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is anti-Christ, that denies the Father and the Son. He that denies the Son, the same has not the Father." (I John 2:22)
This is why: “This is what the Lord says – Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies: ‘I am the First and the Last; there is no other God. Who is like me? Let him step forward and prove to you his power. Let him do as I have done since ancient times when I established a people and explained its future.’†Isaiah 44:6-7 (NLT) Your book fails this test and it is the only one that matters.
i believe that the Bible is the word of God..
Why do some people think that the Bible is not the word of God? Why do some people think that the Encyclopedia is not the word of God? Why do some people think that the Dictionary is not the word of God?
Because it is not. Nor is any other so-called holy text. All were written by men, claiming it to be the word of some god. Some of us understand that there is no god.
I find it funny when Christians say that the Quran can't be the word of god but the bible without a doubt is.
Muhammed merely included the works of scientists of his time. There is no god of any sort, including your Allah.
so that was too long for me to read but i think people believe what they want to. i dont mean that as like unreligious because i am christan, but my beliefs differ from most people i talk to. also, people tend to have beliefs similar to those of their society
Because there's no such thing as god.
Oh no just how many words does God have anyway? I wish he would just shut up.
Because, before your "prophet" Muhammad existed, Jesus had already warned about this false prophet.
The Profit Muhammad wrote it down after a bump on the head.
does this mean that all inventions in the world started by an idea in the koran ???????
Foetal development was well known to the Greek physicians of Ptolemaic Egypt who practised anatomy and founded the science of anatomy. Perhaps some of the Arabs who invaded Egypt read some of the books in the library at Alexandria before they burnt it down and later when Uthman put the koran together they were some of the people who contributed.
b/c its not the wrd of God! simple as that...u can't have scientific proof for God's existance...the true wrd of God is the bible...
so you needed western names to give ur statement credentials plz ppl do not accept the koran because they r not muslim they have their own views beliefs and religions i dont know about ur religion but all u need to do iis look at nassa rediscovery yes they rediscovered what Hindus already new of the man made bridge between sri lanka and india that is many many many centuries old this bridge is written about in the Ramayan and well id say there is more proof of Hindu texts being valid dont you
not one holy book has been written by god. it is the hand of man that put the letters down and arranged them the way he wanted them. say what you will. truth is truth.
I believe that Quran is word of God.. It neither critized any of the Prophets.. And we muslims.. are much more guided aright rather than any other religion including athiesm when compared to the statistics...This proves it is word of God.. You want a miracle of Quran.. read it.. Dr. T.V. N Persaud.. "It seems to me that Muhammad was a very ordinary man, he couldn't read, didn't know how to write, in fact he was an illiterate... We're talking about 1400 years ago, you have some illiterate person making profound statements that are amazingly accurate, of a scientific nature... Joe Leigh Simpson "... these Hadiths (sayings of Muhammad) could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available at the time of the 'writer'... It follows that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion (Islam) but in fact religion (Islam) may guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches... There exist statements in the Qur'an shown centuries later to be valid which support knowledge in the Qur'an having been derived from God." [1] He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâmic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religions even though the Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh and in His Messenger Muhammed SAW) hate (it)[]{9}61:9
When there is a lot of evidence, especially scientific. He is some things that non muslim scientist and professors have said about the Qur'an. 1-Dr. William W. Hay is a well-known marine scientist. He is Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA. He was formerly the Dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA. After a discussion with Professor Hay about the Quran’s mention of recently discovered facts on seas, he said: “I find it very interesting that this sort of information is in the ancient scriptures of the Holy Quran, and I have no way of knowing where they would come from, but I think it is extremely interesting that they are there and that this work is going on to discover it, the meaning of some of the passages.†And when he was asked about the source of the Quran, he replied: “Well, I would think it must be the divine being.†2-Dr. Gerald C. Goeringer is Course Director and Associate Professor of Medical Embryology at the Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA. “In a relatively few aayahs (Quranic verses) is contained a rather comprehensive description of human development from the time of commingling of the gametes through organogenesis. No such distinct and complete record of human development, such as classification, terminology, and description, existed previously. In most, if not all, instances, this description antedates by many centuries the recording of the various stages of human embryonic and fetal development recorded in the traditional scientific literature.†3-Dr. Yoshihide Kozai is Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, and was the Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan. He said: “I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in [the] Quran, and for us the modern astronomers have been studying very small pieces of the universe. We’ve concentrated our efforts for understanding of [a] very small part. Because by using telescopes, we can see only very few parts [of] the sky without thinking [about the] whole universe. So, by reading [the] Quran and by answering to the questions, I think I can find my future way for investigation of the universe.†4-Dr. E. Marshall Johnson is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Developmental Biology at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. There, for 22 years he was Professor of Anatomy, the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, and the Director of the Daniel Baugh Institute. He was also the President of the Teratology Society. He has authored more than 200 publications. “Summary: The Quran describes not only the development of external form, but emphasizes also the internal stages, the stages inside the embryo, of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science.†Also he said: “As a scientist, I can only deal with things which I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and developmental biology. I can understand the words that are translated to me from the Quran. As I gave the example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I knew today and describing things, I could not describe the things which were described. I see no evidence for the fact to refute the concept that this individual, Muhammad, had to be developing this information from some place. So I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved in what he was able to write. 5-Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson is the Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. Formerly, he was Professor of Ob-Gyn and the Chairman of the Department of Ob-Gyn at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. He was also the President of the American Fertility Society. He has received many awards, including the Association of Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology Public Recognition Award in 1992. Professor Simpson studied the following two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad : {In every one of you, all components of your creation are collected together in your mother’s womb by forty days...}2 {If forty-two nights have passed over the embryo, God sends an angel to it, who shapes it and creates its hearing, vision, skin, flesh, and bones....}3 He studied these two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad extensively, noting that the first forty days constitute a clearly distinguishable stage of embryo-genesis. He was particularly impressed by the absolute precision and accuracy of those sayings of the Prophet Muhammad . Then, during one conference, he gave the following opinion: “So that the two hadeeths (the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ) that have been noted provi @@@ If you people read, Its says NON MUSLIM SCIENTISTS have confirmed the Qur'an is the word of God.
Religion & Spirituality - 26 Answers
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Because it's not. It was written by Mohammed.
Because it's not? Don't get me wrong though, the Bible certainly isn't the "word of god" either.
I know it's hard to believe, but some people...SOME people...don't always believe whatever one book tells them to believe. Shocking, I know. Try not to faint.
too long, didnt read
It's silly to think that there's scientific proof of God. And besides, the Karan is not the word of God. I believe the Bible is. Well, I believe the Bible is the word of prophets, divinely inspired. edit: Pff, the thumbs down fairies just adore me. Shoo!
Can you quote me even one instance where it claims that it is? Holy Scripture does: 2Ti 3:16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2Ti 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Every religion claims exclusivity on truth. Many have holy books they claim were written by god himself. This is the principle reason why religions come into conflict with each other.
Some people don't believe in god, that's why! Atheism, Agnosticism, etc.. there are others..
Muhammed was born almost 600 years after Christ. He tried to re-write history and falsify the teachings of Christ by writing the Quran. Muslims (and Islam) say Jesus was a prophet but they reject all His teachings ...that is hypocrisy... They deny the divinity of Christ. they deny his claim to be the Son of God; they deny his death on the cross... they deny His ressurrection.. They deny Jesus is the Christ/ Messiah... In fact, the Quran says: "Allah has no son". Need I say more...? Don't be deceived. The Islamic god is totally different than the God of Jesus Christ . The Bible calls Muhammed and those like him False prophets..... "Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is anti-Christ, that denies the Father and the Son. He that denies the Son, the same has not the Father." (I John 2:22)
This is why: “This is what the Lord says – Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies: ‘I am the First and the Last; there is no other God. Who is like me? Let him step forward and prove to you his power. Let him do as I have done since ancient times when I established a people and explained its future.’†Isaiah 44:6-7 (NLT) Your book fails this test and it is the only one that matters.
i believe that the Bible is the word of God..
Why do some people think that the Bible is not the word of God? Why do some people think that the Encyclopedia is not the word of God? Why do some people think that the Dictionary is not the word of God?
Because it is not. Nor is any other so-called holy text. All were written by men, claiming it to be the word of some god. Some of us understand that there is no god.
I find it funny when Christians say that the Quran can't be the word of god but the bible without a doubt is.
Muhammed merely included the works of scientists of his time. There is no god of any sort, including your Allah.
so that was too long for me to read but i think people believe what they want to. i dont mean that as like unreligious because i am christan, but my beliefs differ from most people i talk to. also, people tend to have beliefs similar to those of their society
Because there's no such thing as god.
Oh no just how many words does God have anyway? I wish he would just shut up.
Because, before your "prophet" Muhammad existed, Jesus had already warned about this false prophet.
The Profit Muhammad wrote it down after a bump on the head.
does this mean that all inventions in the world started by an idea in the koran ???????
Foetal development was well known to the Greek physicians of Ptolemaic Egypt who practised anatomy and founded the science of anatomy. Perhaps some of the Arabs who invaded Egypt read some of the books in the library at Alexandria before they burnt it down and later when Uthman put the koran together they were some of the people who contributed.
b/c its not the wrd of God! simple as that...u can't have scientific proof for God's existance...the true wrd of God is the bible...
so you needed western names to give ur statement credentials plz ppl do not accept the koran because they r not muslim they have their own views beliefs and religions i dont know about ur religion but all u need to do iis look at nassa rediscovery yes they rediscovered what Hindus already new of the man made bridge between sri lanka and india that is many many many centuries old this bridge is written about in the Ramayan and well id say there is more proof of Hindu texts being valid dont you
not one holy book has been written by god. it is the hand of man that put the letters down and arranged them the way he wanted them. say what you will. truth is truth.
I believe that Quran is word of God.. It neither critized any of the Prophets.. And we muslims.. are much more guided aright rather than any other religion including athiesm when compared to the statistics...This proves it is word of God.. You want a miracle of Quran.. read it.. Dr. T.V. N Persaud.. "It seems to me that Muhammad was a very ordinary man, he couldn't read, didn't know how to write, in fact he was an illiterate... We're talking about 1400 years ago, you have some illiterate person making profound statements that are amazingly accurate, of a scientific nature... Joe Leigh Simpson "... these Hadiths (sayings of Muhammad) could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available at the time of the 'writer'... It follows that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion (Islam) but in fact religion (Islam) may guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches... There exist statements in the Qur'an shown centuries later to be valid which support knowledge in the Qur'an having been derived from God." [1] He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâmic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religions even though the Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh and in His Messenger Muhammed SAW) hate (it)[]{9}61:9
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Is it worth applying to the University of Pennsylvania?
Is it worth applying to the University of Pennsylvania?
I just checked with my college counselor and my GPA is 4.1. I do not know much about grade point averages or which one is the highest, but I'm guessing it's out of 10. How could it be so low? I've constantly been getting As and Bs. I toured it this summer and I think it's a really good school. I could imagine myself going there in the middle of it all, in Philadelphia. However, I'm not sure if I can get in. I heard it's an Ivy League school. I think that my college essay is a really good one. How are my chances? Is it too late? Please someone answer. I also take 4 AP classes.
Adolescent - 2 Answers
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go for it!
4.0 is the highest GPA for highschool. As long as you did well on your SAT's, write a good essay and have good recommendations you should be fine to apply. If you can try to do some community service to bolster your resume since it is an Ivy league school. My hubby did his undergrad there (as well as many of my friends), you'll love Philly it's a great city.
I just checked with my college counselor and my GPA is 4.1. I do not know much about grade point averages or which one is the highest, but I'm guessing it's out of 10. How could it be so low? I've constantly been getting As and Bs. I toured it this summer and I think it's a really good school. I could imagine myself going there in the middle of it all, in Philadelphia. However, I'm not sure if I can get in. I heard it's an Ivy League school. I think that my college essay is a really good one. How are my chances? Is it too late? Please someone answer. I also take 4 AP classes.
Adolescent - 2 Answers
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go for it!
4.0 is the highest GPA for highschool. As long as you did well on your SAT's, write a good essay and have good recommendations you should be fine to apply. If you can try to do some community service to bolster your resume since it is an Ivy league school. My hubby did his undergrad there (as well as many of my friends), you'll love Philly it's a great city.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Claiming Residency..Please HELP? Can I claim PA residency for School purposes?
Claiming Residency..Please HELP? Can I claim PA residency for School purposes?
I have lived in Pennsylvania from the age of 5 to the age of 23. I lived in Philadelphia for 5 years as an undergraduate. I moved to North Carolina to work, and have lived here for the past 18months. I am currently moving back to Pennsylvania to live permanently and continue my education in Philadelphia. Do I need to reestablish PA residency by living there for 12months in order to be considered for in-state tuition or can I obtain in state tuition as soon as I move back? Anybody know?
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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This is a decision up to the registrars office at the school. You should be ok. Make sure you have a PA drivers license and if you can get a job in PA so that you pay stubs will reflect income tax being paid to PA. Make sure you have a lease as well. Even if you're at a friends or parent's house, type up a lease and apply a dollar figure to it. Also have your cell phone bill sent to the PA address ASAP. The cell phone company then has to pay PA FCC and communications tax on your behalf. Obtain a PA voter's registration's card. All of these thing will make your case stronger. You shouldn't have a problem though because you graduated from PA schools in the past and have lived there for so long.
I have lived in Pennsylvania from the age of 5 to the age of 23. I lived in Philadelphia for 5 years as an undergraduate. I moved to North Carolina to work, and have lived here for the past 18months. I am currently moving back to Pennsylvania to live permanently and continue my education in Philadelphia. Do I need to reestablish PA residency by living there for 12months in order to be considered for in-state tuition or can I obtain in state tuition as soon as I move back? Anybody know?
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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This is a decision up to the registrars office at the school. You should be ok. Make sure you have a PA drivers license and if you can get a job in PA so that you pay stubs will reflect income tax being paid to PA. Make sure you have a lease as well. Even if you're at a friends or parent's house, type up a lease and apply a dollar figure to it. Also have your cell phone bill sent to the PA address ASAP. The cell phone company then has to pay PA FCC and communications tax on your behalf. Obtain a PA voter's registration's card. All of these thing will make your case stronger. You shouldn't have a problem though because you graduated from PA schools in the past and have lived there for so long.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Will the people of Philadelphia save our country from financial ruin tomorrow?
Will the people of Philadelphia save our country from financial ruin tomorrow?
McCain is talking about a spending freeze as some kind of cure all. The auto industry will likely need a financial bailout in the next year to survive until 2010 when their fuel efficient new cars will hit the market. Under McCain that likely won't happen. This industry is the largest employer in the midwest, accounting for 10% of the total US workforce. What happens when 10% of our workforce goes on unemployment and all of our new car purchase dollars go overseas? Those states won't even be able to fund their public schools. Obama has said he will help what remains of our auto industry and frankly his proposed spending cannot survive allowing 10% of our work force to disappear. The auto industry has leverage there that they don't have with trickle-down puritan McCain. McCain has to win Pennsylvania to have a good shot at winning this election. His odds are horrible if he loses PA. I heard on the news today that if Obama wins Philadelphia by 650K votes, he will likely win the state. If he wins the state, he probably wins the election. So I am begging you, good folks of Philadelphia, vote for Obama in large numbers tomorrow. You guys are the city of brotherly love. Even if you don't like Obama, think of your Big 10 brothers who need the jobs. You can decide this election. Man, drudge is getting ridiculous. Obama, like every other dem, wants to control pollution. Obama makes a statement that says if coal company's want to build dirty plants they will go bankrupt under his proposed cap and trade system on carbon and greenhouse gases. The obvious answer is build clean ones, but Palin takes that to mean "Obama wants to bankrupt the coal industry!!!" This is just so incredibly stupid. Obama's economic plan is entirely based off getting a large a share of the US populace working as possible to pay for his proposed spending efforts. He isn't going to actively force people off the tax rolls and onto the unemployment rolls. This garbage may legitmately work in rural WV, but it won't work with people in Philadelphia who frankly are much better educated OVERALL.
Elections - 5 Answers
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My Republican sister lives in Philly. I will call her right now and BEG her not to to ruin the entire country by voting for McSame..
It all depends how far the coal story on Drudge goes today, to answer your question.
If killing the coal industry isn't a sure way of throwing this country into financial ruin, I don't know what is. Coal to the US is what oil to OPEC is. We have tons of coal. It won't last forever but we have tons of it that can be used right now. If you want financial ruin, Obama is your man. Pennsylvania will get hit hard in particular along with other coal states.
I'm with you. I'm in Philly suburbs, and we're heavy Obama.
Governor Rendel thinks he will lose Philly by 750,000. the mcSAme camp figures that if they lose Philly by only 400,000 they can win. i agree with Gov Rendel because the polls don't account for the thousands of blacks in Philly that have recently registered. many of whom have already voted.
McCain is talking about a spending freeze as some kind of cure all. The auto industry will likely need a financial bailout in the next year to survive until 2010 when their fuel efficient new cars will hit the market. Under McCain that likely won't happen. This industry is the largest employer in the midwest, accounting for 10% of the total US workforce. What happens when 10% of our workforce goes on unemployment and all of our new car purchase dollars go overseas? Those states won't even be able to fund their public schools. Obama has said he will help what remains of our auto industry and frankly his proposed spending cannot survive allowing 10% of our work force to disappear. The auto industry has leverage there that they don't have with trickle-down puritan McCain. McCain has to win Pennsylvania to have a good shot at winning this election. His odds are horrible if he loses PA. I heard on the news today that if Obama wins Philadelphia by 650K votes, he will likely win the state. If he wins the state, he probably wins the election. So I am begging you, good folks of Philadelphia, vote for Obama in large numbers tomorrow. You guys are the city of brotherly love. Even if you don't like Obama, think of your Big 10 brothers who need the jobs. You can decide this election. Man, drudge is getting ridiculous. Obama, like every other dem, wants to control pollution. Obama makes a statement that says if coal company's want to build dirty plants they will go bankrupt under his proposed cap and trade system on carbon and greenhouse gases. The obvious answer is build clean ones, but Palin takes that to mean "Obama wants to bankrupt the coal industry!!!" This is just so incredibly stupid. Obama's economic plan is entirely based off getting a large a share of the US populace working as possible to pay for his proposed spending efforts. He isn't going to actively force people off the tax rolls and onto the unemployment rolls. This garbage may legitmately work in rural WV, but it won't work with people in Philadelphia who frankly are much better educated OVERALL.
Elections - 5 Answers
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My Republican sister lives in Philly. I will call her right now and BEG her not to to ruin the entire country by voting for McSame..
It all depends how far the coal story on Drudge goes today, to answer your question.
If killing the coal industry isn't a sure way of throwing this country into financial ruin, I don't know what is. Coal to the US is what oil to OPEC is. We have tons of coal. It won't last forever but we have tons of it that can be used right now. If you want financial ruin, Obama is your man. Pennsylvania will get hit hard in particular along with other coal states.
I'm with you. I'm in Philly suburbs, and we're heavy Obama.
Governor Rendel thinks he will lose Philly by 750,000. the mcSAme camp figures that if they lose Philly by only 400,000 they can win. i agree with Gov Rendel because the polls don't account for the thousands of blacks in Philly that have recently registered. many of whom have already voted.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Should I apply to the University of Pennsylvania?
Should I apply to the University of Pennsylvania?
I just checked with my college counselor and my GPA is 4.1. I do not know much about grade point averages or which one is the highest, but I'm guessing it's out of 10. How could it be so low? I've constantly been getting As and Bs. My SAT really surprised me though, I got a 2350. I take 4 out of 7 AP classes. I toured it this summer and I think it's a really good school. I could imagine myself going there in the middle of it all, in Philadelphia. However, I'm not sure if I can get in. I heard it's an Ivy League school. I think that my college essay is a really good one. How are my chances? Is it too late? Please someone answer.
Philadelphia - 3 Answers
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upenn is one of the easier ivy league schools to get into. one bad thing is, if you didnt take your SAT's II , you have to take them in order to apply. the area is fun, i live in philly and its awesome. theres so much to do/see, and tons of great shopping. its overall a good school, a couple of my friends are going there and are really excited.
you have a pretty good chance at it, go for it because you'll never know. good luck! =)
Your GPA is based on 5, so 4.1 isn't bad at all. Go ahead and apply, but it is a very competitive school, so don't be heartbroken if you don't get in. I think it's too late to apply for fall 2009. Be sure to apply to other schools that you would be happy going to, like Temple if you want a big school in Philadelphia, or maybe Drexel which is right next to PEnn. It is really hard to get into Penn. Not as hard as Harvard, but still very competitive.
I just checked with my college counselor and my GPA is 4.1. I do not know much about grade point averages or which one is the highest, but I'm guessing it's out of 10. How could it be so low? I've constantly been getting As and Bs. My SAT really surprised me though, I got a 2350. I take 4 out of 7 AP classes. I toured it this summer and I think it's a really good school. I could imagine myself going there in the middle of it all, in Philadelphia. However, I'm not sure if I can get in. I heard it's an Ivy League school. I think that my college essay is a really good one. How are my chances? Is it too late? Please someone answer.
Philadelphia - 3 Answers
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upenn is one of the easier ivy league schools to get into. one bad thing is, if you didnt take your SAT's II , you have to take them in order to apply. the area is fun, i live in philly and its awesome. theres so much to do/see, and tons of great shopping. its overall a good school, a couple of my friends are going there and are really excited.
you have a pretty good chance at it, go for it because you'll never know. good luck! =)
Your GPA is based on 5, so 4.1 isn't bad at all. Go ahead and apply, but it is a very competitive school, so don't be heartbroken if you don't get in. I think it's too late to apply for fall 2009. Be sure to apply to other schools that you would be happy going to, like Temple if you want a big school in Philadelphia, or maybe Drexel which is right next to PEnn. It is really hard to get into Penn. Not as hard as Harvard, but still very competitive.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Exactly what do I have to do to become an EMT?
Exactly what do I have to do to become an EMT?
Ok, so i've been looking for this forever, but i can't find it. I'm going to school in Pennsylvania but i live in New York and i can't find anywhere near Philadelphia or Buffalo that offer EMT courses. If there were summer courses near buffalo that'd be ideal. I know they're at like junior colleges and stuff, but i really can't find any registry stuff or anything, please help.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Depending on your exact area there should be an EMS council there. Bucks County Emergency Health Services (County of Bucks), Philadelphia EMS Council (City of Philadelphia) and there is one in Montgomery County. These places may be able to direct you to an EMT class in your area.
Ok, so i've been looking for this forever, but i can't find it. I'm going to school in Pennsylvania but i live in New York and i can't find anywhere near Philadelphia or Buffalo that offer EMT courses. If there were summer courses near buffalo that'd be ideal. I know they're at like junior colleges and stuff, but i really can't find any registry stuff or anything, please help.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Depending on your exact area there should be an EMS council there. Bucks County Emergency Health Services (County of Bucks), Philadelphia EMS Council (City of Philadelphia) and there is one in Montgomery County. These places may be able to direct you to an EMT class in your area.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
What's the cheapest way for a student to move back home?
What's the cheapest way for a student to move back home?
Ok so, I go to college down in South Carolina, but Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) is my home. I want to transfer school to go back up to PA. The problem is, my parents aren't very supportive of me transferring (or anything else that relates to me or anything I do =/ ) So there's no way they'd make an 11 hour drive to pick me and all of my stuff up. And I don't drive. I came down here with 2 HEAVY suitcases full of pretty much just clothes. But now I have a lot more stuff...like housewares, more clothes, and appliances. (I live in an apt) What's the best way for a broke college student to get all of their belongings back home? And please be serious. I will give someone the points they deserve (according to their answer)
Other - Destinations - 1 Answers
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Post an ad on the student website, on the student message board, etc., at your school. It is very likely that you'll find someone who is going back north at the end of school or during Spring Break and is willing to share a ride with you. They may be interested in sharing the cost of a U-Haul, too. Let it be known that you need a ride and will share in the cost of gasoline. It might be worthwhile to try selling your excess stuff to another student who's coming on campus for the Summer Session, by the way. Then you could look into bus fare. It's cheap to ship a couple of suitcases by bus service. Selling the other stuff will more than pay for the bus ticket. Again, post your ad on the student message board.
Ok so, I go to college down in South Carolina, but Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) is my home. I want to transfer school to go back up to PA. The problem is, my parents aren't very supportive of me transferring (or anything else that relates to me or anything I do =/ ) So there's no way they'd make an 11 hour drive to pick me and all of my stuff up. And I don't drive. I came down here with 2 HEAVY suitcases full of pretty much just clothes. But now I have a lot more stuff...like housewares, more clothes, and appliances. (I live in an apt) What's the best way for a broke college student to get all of their belongings back home? And please be serious. I will give someone the points they deserve (according to their answer)
Other - Destinations - 1 Answers
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Post an ad on the student website, on the student message board, etc., at your school. It is very likely that you'll find someone who is going back north at the end of school or during Spring Break and is willing to share a ride with you. They may be interested in sharing the cost of a U-Haul, too. Let it be known that you need a ride and will share in the cost of gasoline. It might be worthwhile to try selling your excess stuff to another student who's coming on campus for the Summer Session, by the way. Then you could look into bus fare. It's cheap to ship a couple of suitcases by bus service. Selling the other stuff will more than pay for the bus ticket. Again, post your ad on the student message board.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
What to do with my life as a transgender!?
What to do with my life as a transgender!?
I now live in Pennsylvania, I will graduate high school next year..I have no working experiences, my aunt and my parents want me to go to college, but I want to get a job to pay for my surgery and therapy first...so now I am thinking of getting a job as a receptionist in Philadelphia once I've graduated..do you think there is going to be any problem? like perhaps, when people look at my ID when I was getting a job, and they will just fire me and tell me to go?
Law & Legal - 3 Answers
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try finding a job that will be more open to you being transgender. a bar or night club or even a gay bar. odd I know but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. legaly people can NOT fire you cause of being transgender, BUT that does not mean they will not find another reason to do it..;
There are companies out there that do not discriminate against transgenders. I have enclosed two sites that you can go to in order to look up various jobs. Just because you are transgender does not mean you can only get work in a gay bar as the first answer said. You can do anything you want just put your mind to it and don't let people make you feel bad. Good Luck!!
It will probably take more than 4 years with a low paying job like being a receptionist to pay for therapy and surgeries and medicines. I realize you are probably impatient, I know I was,but you may do better by going to a accepting/smart college and many of them are now a days. Many colleges offer reduced price therapy sessions. Many colleges offer a reduced price medical services plan You CAN dramatically enhance your long term earnings skills by going to college and studying for a good career, to the tune of several milliion dollars over your lifetime. AND there is a pretty decent chance that you can find good support and guidance in your transition at a good college. Please do seriously consider it ,please. I didn't and suffered Work hard, live well, become who you are. college can help.
I now live in Pennsylvania, I will graduate high school next year..I have no working experiences, my aunt and my parents want me to go to college, but I want to get a job to pay for my surgery and therapy first...so now I am thinking of getting a job as a receptionist in Philadelphia once I've graduated..do you think there is going to be any problem? like perhaps, when people look at my ID when I was getting a job, and they will just fire me and tell me to go?
Law & Legal - 3 Answers
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try finding a job that will be more open to you being transgender. a bar or night club or even a gay bar. odd I know but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. legaly people can NOT fire you cause of being transgender, BUT that does not mean they will not find another reason to do it..;
There are companies out there that do not discriminate against transgenders. I have enclosed two sites that you can go to in order to look up various jobs. Just because you are transgender does not mean you can only get work in a gay bar as the first answer said. You can do anything you want just put your mind to it and don't let people make you feel bad. Good Luck!!
It will probably take more than 4 years with a low paying job like being a receptionist to pay for therapy and surgeries and medicines. I realize you are probably impatient, I know I was,but you may do better by going to a accepting/smart college and many of them are now a days. Many colleges offer reduced price therapy sessions. Many colleges offer a reduced price medical services plan You CAN dramatically enhance your long term earnings skills by going to college and studying for a good career, to the tune of several milliion dollars over your lifetime. AND there is a pretty decent chance that you can find good support and guidance in your transition at a good college. Please do seriously consider it ,please. I didn't and suffered Work hard, live well, become who you are. college can help.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Do they have free wireless internet at these airports?
Do they have free wireless internet at these airports?
Charlotte North Carolina Philadelphia Pennsylvania Manchester New Hampshire Phoenix Arizona I'm leaving wednesday morning from Maine to visit my aunt and uncle in Phoenix Arizona and am bring my laptop and was wondering if those airports had free wireless internet so i could check my myspace and yahoo answers. This is my 2nd time going on a plane and 1st time alone. I'm an 18 yr old high school student. I'm leaving Manchester Airport stoping at Charlotte Airport than to Phoenix Airport on the way down. On the way back I'm leaving Phoenix Airport stopping at Philadelphia Airport than back to Manchester Airport.
Air Travel - 3 Answers
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they all have
Phoenix does not have free wireless internet.
It looks like you're in luck everywhere except for maybe Philly. They will probably honor your high school ID for free internet. Here's the detailed rundown straight from each airport's website. Charlotte: Surf the web or catch your latest messages. Free Wireless Internet access is available throughout the Airport. Select the network CLTNET. For hard wire connections or computer rentals, stop by the Airport Business Center in the Atrium. Travelers are encouraged to take advantage of this amenity and other services provided by the Airport Business Center, which includes copying, faxing and conferencing capabilities. The center is a partnership between the airport, its master concessionaire, HMS Host and sponsor Bank of America. Philadelphia: The Airport offers wireless Internet access from more than 40 access points in the secure areas of every terminal. A fee is required for wireless access from Monday thru Friday. There are several purchase options available to customers, including a 24-hour connection for $7.95 or a monthly unlimited option for $39.95. College students can access the Internet for free every day by presenting their student ID at any Airport Information Counter and obtaining an authorization code for Internet access. Wireless Internet access is free for everyone on weekends. Manchester: As part of our expanding customer service program, Manchester • Boston Regional Airport is pleased to now offer free wireless Internet (WIFI) access throughout the entire passenger terminal. Phoenix: Wireless Internet Service is available free of charge to Sky Harbor visitors. It’s available on both sides of security, in retail areas and near the gates. If your laptop or wireless electronic device is configured to operate in a wireless mode, it will automatically connect to the internet when powered up near the shops and gates at Sky Harbor.
Charlotte North Carolina Philadelphia Pennsylvania Manchester New Hampshire Phoenix Arizona I'm leaving wednesday morning from Maine to visit my aunt and uncle in Phoenix Arizona and am bring my laptop and was wondering if those airports had free wireless internet so i could check my myspace and yahoo answers. This is my 2nd time going on a plane and 1st time alone. I'm an 18 yr old high school student. I'm leaving Manchester Airport stoping at Charlotte Airport than to Phoenix Airport on the way down. On the way back I'm leaving Phoenix Airport stopping at Philadelphia Airport than back to Manchester Airport.
Air Travel - 3 Answers
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they all have
Phoenix does not have free wireless internet.
It looks like you're in luck everywhere except for maybe Philly. They will probably honor your high school ID for free internet. Here's the detailed rundown straight from each airport's website. Charlotte: Surf the web or catch your latest messages. Free Wireless Internet access is available throughout the Airport. Select the network CLTNET. For hard wire connections or computer rentals, stop by the Airport Business Center in the Atrium. Travelers are encouraged to take advantage of this amenity and other services provided by the Airport Business Center, which includes copying, faxing and conferencing capabilities. The center is a partnership between the airport, its master concessionaire, HMS Host and sponsor Bank of America. Philadelphia: The Airport offers wireless Internet access from more than 40 access points in the secure areas of every terminal. A fee is required for wireless access from Monday thru Friday. There are several purchase options available to customers, including a 24-hour connection for $7.95 or a monthly unlimited option for $39.95. College students can access the Internet for free every day by presenting their student ID at any Airport Information Counter and obtaining an authorization code for Internet access. Wireless Internet access is free for everyone on weekends. Manchester: As part of our expanding customer service program, Manchester • Boston Regional Airport is pleased to now offer free wireless Internet (WIFI) access throughout the entire passenger terminal. Phoenix: Wireless Internet Service is available free of charge to Sky Harbor visitors. It’s available on both sides of security, in retail areas and near the gates. If your laptop or wireless electronic device is configured to operate in a wireless mode, it will automatically connect to the internet when powered up near the shops and gates at Sky Harbor.
Friday, May 6, 2011
i need help on how to start my dream?
i need help on how to start my dream?
hey, i would love to become an actress, but am not sure how to start. i've been told that i'd be good at it and one time while getting my school picture taken the photographer said my name sounds like a good actress name. (sry not to sound cocky, i hate ppl like that, but its true). thing is i live near philadelphia, pennsylvania, not california, so how can I start acting? I was wondering if anyone has some tips on how to become a good actress/ find an agent/ find roles. i was also wondering if anyone could tell me what goes on during auditions/ what to wear to them/ etc. thanks so much! :D
Theater & Acting - 4 Answers
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you can search online for acting agencies near your area and you MUST take headshots. since if you were to go to an audition they may need for you to show them your headshots. you also need a resume saying your past roles, if any. you might also try to take acting clasees, althoug it is not necessary. during an auditon the director or the person in charge will give you a script and ask you to read a couple of lines in front of them at that moment.
How do you start acting? Simple: You just start. Take classes, go to auditions, read plays to learn about standard repertoire, create a resume, get headshots taken, and observe other actors at auditions to learn how [and how NOT] to conduct yourself during the audition process. There are tons of theatres there in Pennsylvania. Contact them and get on their audition mailing lists. Do the research to find out which ones are major regional theatre -- I could tell you, but the research work will be beneficial for you -- and contact their education departments to find out what sort of classes they offer. Alternatively, network with other actors in town and get some names of reputable acting teachers and/or coaches -- and always remember that someone telling you that their teacher is "amazing" does NOT automatically mean it's true. Auditions for non-musicals generally consist of you doing one or two monologues that total three minutes or less -- always aim for LESS, as the auditors always appreciate people who don't use their whole time allotment. You should have at least four monologues ready to go at all times -- two comedic [a contemporary and a classical], and two dramatic [modern and classic as well]. Do NOT ever do Shakespeare unless you are actually auditioning for a Shakespeare production. For musicals, you'll sing a song that shows off your voice, and they'll generally want only 30-60 seconds. However, Equity members generally get 3-5 minutes at regional theatres -- but again, the wise actor will not be greedy by taking the entire offered time. Never pay to audition, and never hook up with an agent who requires any upfront costs other than new headshots -- and in the case of headshots, be wary of any agent giving you only one photographer's name. Pick up a copy of the book "Audition" by Michael Shurtleff, and make it your bible -- read it once, immediately read it AGAIN and take notes, and then read it at least once per year thereafter. Even 30+ years after its publication, the wisdom and practical advice in it is still relevant. Don't ever become a diva. The tabloids [and the public] love to perversely glamorize egomaniacal behavior, but the reality is that producers and directors eschew working with "problem child" actors. The ONLY thing of true worth that any artist has is their reputation -- how reliable they are, how they treat others, etc etc -- so always strive to be an outstanding colleague. I've gotten several projects wherein the casting choice was down to me and one other person, and the producers went with me because they know I'm a pleasure to work with. There are many more things to learn, but it would take too long to write them all here -- so you need to go out there and discover them for yourself. :-) Best of luck.
My first bit of advice is, don't! It is a very hard road, full of rejection. Years of study: acting; voice lessons - singing and speaking; movement; dance; and on and on. 97% of professional actors are unemployed at any given time. When you hear of actors being discovered easily (they haven't studied, they haven't gone to cattle calls everyday for years, etc.), those cases are extremely rare. Like being struck by lightning. Still want to do it? Good. You have to want it more than anything else in the whole world. It's not just something you want to do 'maybe", but something you MUST do, it is essential to your core. Let's assume you wan't to be a serious actress. You don't specify your age so I assume you are in high school of Jr. High. Take any drama courses that are offered, even if they are not acting classes. Understanding Shakespeare & American Playwrights are examples of courses that would be beneficial. Try out for all school productions. Try out for the Talent show. Experience in auditioning is invaluable. Get into the school choir. Take any singing and dancing courses offered. Read the Stanislovski books, "Building a Character", etc.Pick a University, College, Community College with a good Theatre Arts and Acting program. Yale and Julliard are top of the line, but most schools have a program. Talk to your guidance counselor. Check out community theatres or professional theatre's in your area and start auditioning. You'll need resume pictures and a resume for this. Call a local talent agency and ask the who they recommend. More on local talent agencies later. You'll learn more from doing than studying about it. After school or when you think your ready for it, its off to N.Y.C. or Los Angeles. You'll need resume' pictures (very expensive) and a place to live (very, very expensive) once you get there. Start making the rounds (going to every audition and open call you find out about). Go knock on agent's doors and, if they won't see you, go back the next day and the next until they do. You'll start to get little things here and there. Keep plugging away like this for the rest of your life and you might make a nice career for yourself, and if your very, very lucky (it helps to be really good too, but this is sometimes not required) you might become a "star" and rich. Hey, I like Philadelphia. I did a film there once. If you are talking about getting an agent there for local work, it's not so difficult. First of all, do all the things mentioned above in terms of training, getting experience. Google Talent Agencies in Philadelphia and call them and ask about how to be represented by them. Again, you'll need resume' pics for this. They'll tell you what they require. If they want to charge you anything - to be in their book, for example - make sure they are a reputable and important agency. Call a couple of independant Casting agents (I'm sure you will find a few in Phillly, look in the phone book, google, or ask around) and ask them if the agency is legimate or what are the best agencies. While you've got them on the phone thell them about yourself and ask how you can be considered for their upcoming projects. Ask everybody about everybody - like who do they recommend as a acting resume' photographer - and you'll learn alot really fast. Of course with local agencies, this will be television commercials, industrial films (training or motivational films for a particular company) and modeling. Acting for a camera is much more subtle than acting on stage. You still need the same inner dialogue (the things the character is thinking about inside as he speaks) but toned way down. That's enough for now. If you do these things, your other questions will answer themselves. You'll make friend and you'll share experiences and knowledge. Break a leg!
all real agents are free. and only get 10-20 % of the money you make doin commercials etc. if some1 says you ahve to pay them for them to be your agent they their a scam! and you need to bget experience cause it will look great on your resume example: acting classes singing classes plays(major roles wouild look great) and go to actinginfo.blogspot.com for auditions hope i helped and talentagents.blogspot.com for agents.
hey, i would love to become an actress, but am not sure how to start. i've been told that i'd be good at it and one time while getting my school picture taken the photographer said my name sounds like a good actress name. (sry not to sound cocky, i hate ppl like that, but its true). thing is i live near philadelphia, pennsylvania, not california, so how can I start acting? I was wondering if anyone has some tips on how to become a good actress/ find an agent/ find roles. i was also wondering if anyone could tell me what goes on during auditions/ what to wear to them/ etc. thanks so much! :D
Theater & Acting - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
you can search online for acting agencies near your area and you MUST take headshots. since if you were to go to an audition they may need for you to show them your headshots. you also need a resume saying your past roles, if any. you might also try to take acting clasees, althoug it is not necessary. during an auditon the director or the person in charge will give you a script and ask you to read a couple of lines in front of them at that moment.
How do you start acting? Simple: You just start. Take classes, go to auditions, read plays to learn about standard repertoire, create a resume, get headshots taken, and observe other actors at auditions to learn how [and how NOT] to conduct yourself during the audition process. There are tons of theatres there in Pennsylvania. Contact them and get on their audition mailing lists. Do the research to find out which ones are major regional theatre -- I could tell you, but the research work will be beneficial for you -- and contact their education departments to find out what sort of classes they offer. Alternatively, network with other actors in town and get some names of reputable acting teachers and/or coaches -- and always remember that someone telling you that their teacher is "amazing" does NOT automatically mean it's true. Auditions for non-musicals generally consist of you doing one or two monologues that total three minutes or less -- always aim for LESS, as the auditors always appreciate people who don't use their whole time allotment. You should have at least four monologues ready to go at all times -- two comedic [a contemporary and a classical], and two dramatic [modern and classic as well]. Do NOT ever do Shakespeare unless you are actually auditioning for a Shakespeare production. For musicals, you'll sing a song that shows off your voice, and they'll generally want only 30-60 seconds. However, Equity members generally get 3-5 minutes at regional theatres -- but again, the wise actor will not be greedy by taking the entire offered time. Never pay to audition, and never hook up with an agent who requires any upfront costs other than new headshots -- and in the case of headshots, be wary of any agent giving you only one photographer's name. Pick up a copy of the book "Audition" by Michael Shurtleff, and make it your bible -- read it once, immediately read it AGAIN and take notes, and then read it at least once per year thereafter. Even 30+ years after its publication, the wisdom and practical advice in it is still relevant. Don't ever become a diva. The tabloids [and the public] love to perversely glamorize egomaniacal behavior, but the reality is that producers and directors eschew working with "problem child" actors. The ONLY thing of true worth that any artist has is their reputation -- how reliable they are, how they treat others, etc etc -- so always strive to be an outstanding colleague. I've gotten several projects wherein the casting choice was down to me and one other person, and the producers went with me because they know I'm a pleasure to work with. There are many more things to learn, but it would take too long to write them all here -- so you need to go out there and discover them for yourself. :-) Best of luck.
My first bit of advice is, don't! It is a very hard road, full of rejection. Years of study: acting; voice lessons - singing and speaking; movement; dance; and on and on. 97% of professional actors are unemployed at any given time. When you hear of actors being discovered easily (they haven't studied, they haven't gone to cattle calls everyday for years, etc.), those cases are extremely rare. Like being struck by lightning. Still want to do it? Good. You have to want it more than anything else in the whole world. It's not just something you want to do 'maybe", but something you MUST do, it is essential to your core. Let's assume you wan't to be a serious actress. You don't specify your age so I assume you are in high school of Jr. High. Take any drama courses that are offered, even if they are not acting classes. Understanding Shakespeare & American Playwrights are examples of courses that would be beneficial. Try out for all school productions. Try out for the Talent show. Experience in auditioning is invaluable. Get into the school choir. Take any singing and dancing courses offered. Read the Stanislovski books, "Building a Character", etc.Pick a University, College, Community College with a good Theatre Arts and Acting program. Yale and Julliard are top of the line, but most schools have a program. Talk to your guidance counselor. Check out community theatres or professional theatre's in your area and start auditioning. You'll need resume pictures and a resume for this. Call a local talent agency and ask the who they recommend. More on local talent agencies later. You'll learn more from doing than studying about it. After school or when you think your ready for it, its off to N.Y.C. or Los Angeles. You'll need resume' pictures (very expensive) and a place to live (very, very expensive) once you get there. Start making the rounds (going to every audition and open call you find out about). Go knock on agent's doors and, if they won't see you, go back the next day and the next until they do. You'll start to get little things here and there. Keep plugging away like this for the rest of your life and you might make a nice career for yourself, and if your very, very lucky (it helps to be really good too, but this is sometimes not required) you might become a "star" and rich. Hey, I like Philadelphia. I did a film there once. If you are talking about getting an agent there for local work, it's not so difficult. First of all, do all the things mentioned above in terms of training, getting experience. Google Talent Agencies in Philadelphia and call them and ask about how to be represented by them. Again, you'll need resume' pics for this. They'll tell you what they require. If they want to charge you anything - to be in their book, for example - make sure they are a reputable and important agency. Call a couple of independant Casting agents (I'm sure you will find a few in Phillly, look in the phone book, google, or ask around) and ask them if the agency is legimate or what are the best agencies. While you've got them on the phone thell them about yourself and ask how you can be considered for their upcoming projects. Ask everybody about everybody - like who do they recommend as a acting resume' photographer - and you'll learn alot really fast. Of course with local agencies, this will be television commercials, industrial films (training or motivational films for a particular company) and modeling. Acting for a camera is much more subtle than acting on stage. You still need the same inner dialogue (the things the character is thinking about inside as he speaks) but toned way down. That's enough for now. If you do these things, your other questions will answer themselves. You'll make friend and you'll share experiences and knowledge. Break a leg!
all real agents are free. and only get 10-20 % of the money you make doin commercials etc. if some1 says you ahve to pay them for them to be your agent they their a scam! and you need to bget experience cause it will look great on your resume example: acting classes singing classes plays(major roles wouild look great) and go to actinginfo.blogspot.com for auditions hope i helped and talentagents.blogspot.com for agents.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Are there any haunted insane asylums in and around Pennsylvania?
Are there any haunted insane asylums in and around Pennsylvania?
Ok, I'm planning a trip for my senior year in high school where me and my friends will travel around and visit some paranormal locations. Our particular interest is prisons, hospitals, and asylums. The problem is, I only know of two good locations, Pennhurst State School and Byberry Mental Hospital both in Philadelphia, PA. Other than those, I have no idea where to look so I can get an idea. Please give me some names or links if they have websites. And please be serious about it...I don't want any answers from smart mouths trying to be funny.
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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GO to the white house -a lot of insane people in there...
Ok, I'm planning a trip for my senior year in high school where me and my friends will travel around and visit some paranormal locations. Our particular interest is prisons, hospitals, and asylums. The problem is, I only know of two good locations, Pennhurst State School and Byberry Mental Hospital both in Philadelphia, PA. Other than those, I have no idea where to look so I can get an idea. Please give me some names or links if they have websites. And please be serious about it...I don't want any answers from smart mouths trying to be funny.
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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GO to the white house -a lot of insane people in there...
Monday, May 2, 2011
Scientists and professors prove that the Qur'an is the word of God.?
Scientists and professors prove that the Qur'an is the word of God.?
There is a lot of evidence especially scientific. He is some things that non muslim scientist and professors have said about the Qur'an. 1-Dr. William W. Hay is a well-known marine scientist. He is Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA. He was formerly the Dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA. After a discussion with Professor Hay about the Quran’s mention of recently discovered facts on seas, he said: “I find it very interesting that this sort of information is in the ancient scriptures of the Holy Quran, and I have no way of knowing where they would come from, but I think it is extremely interesting that they are there and that this work is going on to discover it, the meaning of some of the passages.†And when he was asked about the source of the Quran, he replied: “Well, I would think it must be the divine being.†2-Dr. Gerald C. Goeringer is Course Director and Associate Professor of Medical Embryology at the Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA. “In a relatively few aayahs (Quranic verses) is contained a rather comprehensive description of human development from the time of commingling of the gametes through organogenesis. No such distinct and complete record of human development, such as classification, terminology, and description, existed previously. In most, if not all, instances, this description antedates by many centuries the recording of the various stages of human embryonic and fetal development recorded in the traditional scientific literature.†3-Dr. Yoshihide Kozai is Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, and was the Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan. He said: “I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in [the] Quran, and for us the modern astronomers have been studying very small pieces of the universe. We’ve concentrated our efforts for understanding of [a] very small part. Because by using telescopes, we can see only very few parts [of] the sky without thinking [about the] whole universe. So, by reading [the] Quran and by answering to the questions, I think I can find my future way for investigation of the universe.†4-Dr. E. Marshall Johnson is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Developmental Biology at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. There, for 22 years he was Professor of Anatomy, the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, and the Director of the Daniel Baugh Institute. He was also the President of the Teratology Society. He has authored more than 200 publications. “Summary: The Quran describes not only the development of external form, but emphasizes also the internal stages, the stages inside the embryo, of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science.†Also he said: “As a scientist, I can only deal with things which I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and developmental biology. I can understand the words that are translated to me from the Quran. As I gave the example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I knew today and describing things, I could not describe the things which were described. I see no evidence for the fact to refute the concept that this individual, Muhammad, had to be developing this information from some place. So I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved in what he was able to write. 5-Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson is the Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. Formerly, he was Professor of Ob-Gyn and the Chairman of the Department of Ob-Gyn at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. He was also the President of the American Fertility Society. He has received many awards, including the Association of Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology Public Recognition Award in 1992. Professor Simpson studied the following two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad : {In every one of you, all components of your creation are collected together in your mother’s womb by forty days...}2 {If forty-two nights have passed over the embryo, God sends an angel to it, who shapes it and creates its hearing, vision, skin, flesh, and bones....}3 He studied these two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad extensively, noting that the first forty days constitute a clearly distinguishable stage of embryo-genesis. He was particularly impressed by the absolute precision and accuracy of those sayings of the Prophet Muhammad . Then, during one conference, he gave the following opinion: “So that the two hadeeths (the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ) that have been noted provide us Whats a lie? The scientists are lying?
Mathematics - 3 Answers
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its a lie
I agree
Just forget them, you cant make them believe They are ignorant about our religion, allah has contineously told us that in the quran. They just think the quran is ridiculous and will deny every single compliment or evidence brought them. So no point bothering with them We allready know that the quran and hadith far outknowledges science and the most recent discoveries made has been given to us in the quran; something that could not be proved in the past and still the quran contains things that have yet not been discovered by scientists e.g. humans being made by clay There are hundreds of more scientists who aknowledge the quran, aspired by it also in their researches. The Ummah today is not strong enough one day muslim scientists will again out perform the non-muslims just like muslims outcompeted them in the past in caligraphy, Art, Maths ( Geonometry Numeracy Algebra) science and many more. Its only been since the late 18th and 19th century they have outperformed in discoveries and at this that time islam was extremely weak in Ummah even more so than today E.g. Civil war in Spain
There is a lot of evidence especially scientific. He is some things that non muslim scientist and professors have said about the Qur'an. 1-Dr. William W. Hay is a well-known marine scientist. He is Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA. He was formerly the Dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA. After a discussion with Professor Hay about the Quran’s mention of recently discovered facts on seas, he said: “I find it very interesting that this sort of information is in the ancient scriptures of the Holy Quran, and I have no way of knowing where they would come from, but I think it is extremely interesting that they are there and that this work is going on to discover it, the meaning of some of the passages.†And when he was asked about the source of the Quran, he replied: “Well, I would think it must be the divine being.†2-Dr. Gerald C. Goeringer is Course Director and Associate Professor of Medical Embryology at the Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA. “In a relatively few aayahs (Quranic verses) is contained a rather comprehensive description of human development from the time of commingling of the gametes through organogenesis. No such distinct and complete record of human development, such as classification, terminology, and description, existed previously. In most, if not all, instances, this description antedates by many centuries the recording of the various stages of human embryonic and fetal development recorded in the traditional scientific literature.†3-Dr. Yoshihide Kozai is Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, and was the Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan. He said: “I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in [the] Quran, and for us the modern astronomers have been studying very small pieces of the universe. We’ve concentrated our efforts for understanding of [a] very small part. Because by using telescopes, we can see only very few parts [of] the sky without thinking [about the] whole universe. So, by reading [the] Quran and by answering to the questions, I think I can find my future way for investigation of the universe.†4-Dr. E. Marshall Johnson is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Developmental Biology at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. There, for 22 years he was Professor of Anatomy, the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, and the Director of the Daniel Baugh Institute. He was also the President of the Teratology Society. He has authored more than 200 publications. “Summary: The Quran describes not only the development of external form, but emphasizes also the internal stages, the stages inside the embryo, of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science.†Also he said: “As a scientist, I can only deal with things which I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and developmental biology. I can understand the words that are translated to me from the Quran. As I gave the example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I knew today and describing things, I could not describe the things which were described. I see no evidence for the fact to refute the concept that this individual, Muhammad, had to be developing this information from some place. So I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved in what he was able to write. 5-Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson is the Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. Formerly, he was Professor of Ob-Gyn and the Chairman of the Department of Ob-Gyn at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. He was also the President of the American Fertility Society. He has received many awards, including the Association of Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology Public Recognition Award in 1992. Professor Simpson studied the following two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad : {In every one of you, all components of your creation are collected together in your mother’s womb by forty days...}2 {If forty-two nights have passed over the embryo, God sends an angel to it, who shapes it and creates its hearing, vision, skin, flesh, and bones....}3 He studied these two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad extensively, noting that the first forty days constitute a clearly distinguishable stage of embryo-genesis. He was particularly impressed by the absolute precision and accuracy of those sayings of the Prophet Muhammad . Then, during one conference, he gave the following opinion: “So that the two hadeeths (the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ) that have been noted provide us Whats a lie? The scientists are lying?
Mathematics - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
its a lie
I agree
Just forget them, you cant make them believe They are ignorant about our religion, allah has contineously told us that in the quran. They just think the quran is ridiculous and will deny every single compliment or evidence brought them. So no point bothering with them We allready know that the quran and hadith far outknowledges science and the most recent discoveries made has been given to us in the quran; something that could not be proved in the past and still the quran contains things that have yet not been discovered by scientists e.g. humans being made by clay There are hundreds of more scientists who aknowledge the quran, aspired by it also in their researches. The Ummah today is not strong enough one day muslim scientists will again out perform the non-muslims just like muslims outcompeted them in the past in caligraphy, Art, Maths ( Geonometry Numeracy Algebra) science and many more. Its only been since the late 18th and 19th century they have outperformed in discoveries and at this that time islam was extremely weak in Ummah even more so than today E.g. Civil war in Spain
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